力扣leetcode-cn.com/problems/basic-calculator/ 题目描述 给你一个字符串表达式 s ,请你实现一个基本计算器来计算并返回它的值。 示例1: 输入:s = "1 + 1" 输出:2 示例2: 输入:s = " 2-1 + 2 " 输出:3 示例3: 输入:s = "(1+(4+5+2)-3)+(6+8)" 输出:23提示...
Space: O(n). AC Java: 1classSolution {2publicintcalculate(String s) {3if(s ==null|| s.length() == 0){4return0;5}67s = s.replaceAll("\\s+", "");8intn =s.length();9intnum1 = 0;10into1 = 1;11intnum2 = 1;12into2 = 1;13Stack<Integer> stk =newStack<>();1415for...
AC Java: 1classSolution {2publicintcalculate(String s) {3if(s ==null|| s.length() == 0){4return0;5}67s = s.replaceAll("\\s+", "");8intnum1 = 0;9into1 = 1;10intnum2 = 1;11Stack<Integer> stk =newStack<>();12intn =s.length();13for(inti = 0; i < n; i++){...
力扣224.基本计算器 力扣leetcode-cn.com/problems/basic-calculator/ 题目描述 实现一个基本的计算器来计算一个简单的字符串表达式的值。 字符串表达式可以包含左括号 ( ,右括号 ),加号 + ,减号 -,非负整数和空格 。 示例1: 输入: "1 + 1" 输出: 2 示例2: ...
My Solutions to Leetcode problems. All solutions support C++ language, some support Java and Python. Multiple solutions will be given by most problems. Enjoy:) 我的Leetcode解答。所有的问题都支持C++语言,一部分问题支持Java语言。近乎所有问题都会提供多个算法解决。大家加油!:) 0 stars 718 forks ...
public class Solution { /** * https://leetcode.com/discuss/55304/java-easy-understand-o-n-solution * * a, b, c stands for the next number to multiply 2 or 3 or 5 respectively * for example, c always stands for the index of number series starting from 1 and each element will mult...
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所有内容都来自我的GitHub: https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode Java Algorithm Problems 程序员的一天 从开始这个Github已经有将近两年时间, 很高兴这个repo可以帮到有需要的人. 我一直认为, 知识本身是无价的, 因此每逢闲暇, 我就会来维护这个repo, 给刷题的朋友们一些我的想法和见解. 下面来简单介绍一下...
This might be underrated post but very useful, i have added all heavily used DS for Java. Map 2. ArrayList 3. Array[ ] 4. Stack 5. Queue / PriorityQueue 6. String 7. Set Basic Idea to understand : Map -> V get(k1) get : method, ...
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