R. Hain. Lectures on moduli spaces of elliptic curves. In Transformation groups and moduli spaces of curves, volume 16 of Adv. Lect. Math. (ALM), pages 95-166. Int. Press, Somerville, MA, 2011.R. Hain, "Lectures on moduli spaces of elliptic curves," pp. 95-166 in Transforma- ...
These are notes of lectures given at the NATO Summer School, Montreal 1995. Taubes's recent spectacular work setting up a correspondence between $J$-holomorphic curves in symplectic 4-manifolds and solutions of the Seiberg-Witten equations counts $J$-hol
The "standard" theory concerns itself with moduli spaces of connected curves, and gives rise to Gromov-Witten invariants: see for example, McDuff—Salamon [15], Ruan—Tian [20, 21]. However, Taubes's curves arise as zero sets of sections and so need not be connected. These notes are in...
The \\lq\\lq standard" theory concerns itself with moduli spaces of connected curves, and gives rise to Gromov-Witten invariants. However, Taubes's curves arise as zero sets of sections and so need not be connected. These notes are in the main expository. We first discuss the invariants ...