His result uses Duke's Equidistribution Theorem and is thus not effective. In this paper, we give an effective proof of Habegger's result assuming thatαis not a singular modulus itself. We give an explicit bound, which depends only onα, on the discriminantΔassociated with a singular ...
16 国际基础科学大会-How the Hilbert space of two-sided black holes factorises 1:05:28 国际基础科学大会-Weyl-strength subconvexity for Dirichlet L-functions-Ian Petrow 50:40 国际基础科学大会-On the Hofer-Zehnder conjecture-Egor Shelukhin 54:17 国际基础科学大会-Visual Vibration Analysis-Abe ...
These informal notes are an expanded version of lectures on the moduli space of elliptic curves given at Zhejiang University in July, 2008. Their goal is to introduce and motivate basic concepts and constructions (such as orbifolds and stacks) important in the study of moduli spaces of curves ...
bundle admits a flat connection (which includes torsion bundles as special cases), and gives general arguments on the existence of universal structures on moduli spaces of SCFTs, in which superconformal deformation parameters are promoted to nondynamical fields ranging over the SCFT moduli space. ...
We showthat, under certain conditions, the weighted number of preimages of a point inthe target of such a morphism does not depend on the choice of this point. Weequip the moduli spaces of elliptic tropical curves with a structure oftropical orbit space and, using our results on tropical ...
Annals of Mathematics Studies(共112册), 这套丛书还有 《Seminar on Micro-Local Analysis.》《Surface Area》《Topics in Topology》《Metric Methods of Finsler Spaces and in the Foundations of Geometry. (AM-8) (Annals of Mathematics Studies)》《Knot Groups》 等。
of subvarieties of M g and M g,n . Here the known results are much less complete. Werecall, however, our own result in [Sch] on the moduli space N g,n of n-nodal curves ofgeometric genus g (which might be considered either as a subvariety of M g+n or as aquotient of M g...
13 A reproducing kernel Hilbert space framework for functional classification 41:41 Conditional Sampling with Block-Triangular Transport Maps 56:30 Optimal Study Design for Reducing Variances of Coefficient Estimators in Change- 43:00 Variational Autoencoders_ an introduction to new applications and a ...
Hurwitz spaces of quadruple coverings of elliptic curves and the moduli space of abelian threefolds A_3(1,1,4) We prove that the moduli spaces \\(\\mathcal{A}_3(D)\\) of polarized Abelian threefolds with polarizations of types D =(1,1,2),(1,2,2),(1,1,3) or (1,3,3......
We study the moduli surface for pairs of elliptic curves together with an isomorphism between their N-torsion groups. The Weil pairing gives a "determinant" map from this moduli surface to (Z/N Z)*; its fibers are the components of the surface. We define spaces of modular forms on these ...