Lecithin regulates fat metabolism in the liver, where it binds with proteins that lower triglycerides and boost levels of good cholesterol in the bloodstream. The liver needs phosphatidylcholine to produce very-low-density lipoproteins, which carry fats from the liver. If levels of phosphatidylcholine ...
Lecithin improves liver healthYam Cher Seng
Lecithin made from soy reduces "bad"LDL cholesteroland may also raise "good"HDL cholesterol. Less LDL cholesterol can mean less fattyplaquebuildup in your arteries and a lower risk ofcardiovascular disease, while HDL cholesterol helps to carry away LDL cholesterol and plaque to the liver for pro...
其他成份包括: 膠囊 (明膠、甘油,被淨化的水) 本產品不包含人為防腐劑、顏色或者糖精; 沒有玉米、牛奶店、澱粉、麥子或者酵母。 請貯存在陰涼及乾燥地方及放在孩子不能觸及的地方。 本品是膳食以外之輔助健康食品,不作醫藥治療作用 "This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or ...
aHealth and beauty is to be guided by traditional Chinese medical theory of traditional Chinese medicine, TCM concept of health as a fundamental, follow the yin and Yang of variation from the skin, body, and spirit, and full range of adjusting sub-healthy state of the human body. 健康和秀...
Lecithin is a very popular dietary supplement. But what do we know about its risks and benefits? With regard to benefits, we know that lecithin supplements are heavily promoted as a panacea for: Cardiovascular health Liver and cell function ...
1. Protector of the liver Lecithin can not only prevent fatty liver, but also promote liver cell regeneration! At the same time, phospholipids can reduce serum cholesterol levels, prevent liver cirrhosis and help restore liver function. 2. Positive effects on heart health Because it can regulate...
Lecithin is a fatty compound rich in choline and other active components. It is most often extracted from soy, though many plant and animal fats contain lecithin. Clinical studies indicate that lecithin supplementation may play a role in cholesterol, mental health, and liver health. Most other re...
of the body, they are transported to the liver where they are metabolized and converted to energy. Improved circulation seen as a result of lecithin supplementation helps to prevent blood clots and maintain the health of the liver through which excess fats and energy-providing substances will pass...
Sun flower lecithin is packed with essential nutrients that support overall health. It contains: Phosphatidylcholine: Essential for brain function and liver health. Phosphatidylinositol: Supports cell signaling and neurotransmission. Phosphatidylethanolamine: Important for cell membrane integrity. ...