hair loss is a common problem around the world. Some causes of hair loss are dry scalp, nutritional lack, excessive intake of tobacco and alcohol. Here this article recommends some of the best ways to use lemon for hair loss. Hair fall and dandruff are the two main reasons behind...
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I accept thePrivacy Policy Δ Remembering & Recalling Critical Information BecomesEasyWith This... Stop needlessly forgetting! Enter your email below to get instant access to myexclusive coursethat will show you how...
Weigh the prescribed amounts of lecithin, cholesterol, Tea tree oil, vitamin E, Tween-80, sodium deoxycholate, etc., add an appropriate amount of absolute ethanol, and sonicate until the suspension is uniform to obtain a lipid suspension. liquid. The hydration medium is placed on a constant-t...
Make sure you use pure salt (not iodinated): It’s possible to use the wrong kind of salt without realizing, which will affect how it’s absorbed. Recheck that you use un-iodized organic sea salt. Look for pink Himalayan salt or grayish-colored Celtic sea salt, not the white type that...
Not all plant-based milks are good for you. You may be surprised to learn that many contain harmful preservatives and additives, such as added sugar, lecithins, carrageenan, and even oil. So which ingredients should you stay clear of when choosing plant-based milks? Dr. Dana Ellis Hunnes...
They subdue other flavors (especially lighter flavors like herbs and water based flavors like fruit). And they add their own eggy flavor, the strength of which depends on how many eggs you use and for how long, and to what temperature you cook the base. ...
cancer prevention, and for overall health, use1 bottle a month long term to stimulate deeper healing of the body. The Master Healing Elixir energetically tests a very strong8900for fighting cancer. Looking at its overall health benefits for all your cells and organs, it tests an even stronger...
Vietnamese cacao I used to make chocolate at home in September 2017. Each native group had their own name for the plant, but the most relevant name in the modern era is the Nahuatl name. This is the version taken and mangled by those Spanish invaders, and eventually brought back to Euro...
As health-conscious individuals, we are all constantly looking for the best food substitutions to keep calorie counts down and maintain a healthy diet. Out of that desire, a significant problem has arisen around the use of sweetener substitutes, in particular aspartame. Created as a “safe” ...
Utilizing the commercial kit Lumadex-FSI versus the manual test was a good way to eliminate the need for manual ethanol pipetting and preparation of lecithin standards, saving significant time and greatly reducing the risk of pipetting errors. Despite its historical significance, the foam/shake test...