BruceDropEmOff’s departure from OTK, explained Screengrab via Bruce’s reasons for exiting seem to be twofold. As the only streamer in the organization that represented Black culture, he admitted that there was an amount of pressure he felt in his situation. “It a...
"What You Leave Behind" is the final outcome of the huge arc we've had for the past eight weeks. But more than that, it's also the final outcome of the Dominion War we've had for the past two years. But, more than that, it's also the final payoff for character paths we've h...
for example, was, as many recognized, sheer madness. But behind that madness is a diabolical method. As one doctor warned, “That’s how people kill themselves.” Another doctor, psychotherapist John Gartner, who contributed to the bestselling book “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” flatl...