New Netflix thriller "Leave the World Behind" captivates with unexpected twists and rising tension in apocalyptic uncertainty.
Neil is a gay hustler with low ambitions and a genuine desire to leave his hometown behind. Brian is a teenage loner, sure that he was abducted by aliens at an early age. A shocking yet liberating truth is uncovered when the two cross paths.Mysterious Skinis one of the rawest movies abo...
"What You Leave Behind" is the final outcome of the huge arc we've had for the past eight weeks. But more than that, it's also the final outcome of the Dominion War we've had for the past two years. But, more than that, it's also the final payoff for character paths we've h...
for example, was, as many recognized, sheer madness. But behind that madness is a diabolical method. As one doctor warned, “That’s how people kill themselves.” Another doctor, psychotherapist John Gartner, who contributed to the bestselling book “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” flatl...
(viaReddit),Routhresponded to a comment suggesting he could still decide not to leaveLegends of Tomorrowby reiterating that it was "not my choice." This backs up his original statement about Ray having unfinished business on the show. However,Legends of Tomorrow's producers have made it ...
“Over here? I guess… music always reflects what’s going on in society one way or another… Grime is compared to Punk Rock a lot these days, because it’s got a lot of the same drive behind it. “MCs are bound to speak out about the referendum… that anti-establishment energy has...
Well, it turns out that the Pixar head’s departure is not only just a huge bummer, but that his actions have had real world consequences for at least one film we have been looking forward to. According to reports on THR, it seems that there are multiple allegations again...
25 Of The Most Brutally Honest Signs Ever Funny Shop Notices That Would Get Your Attention 18 Wild Workplace Safety Signs That Probably Have A Story Behind Their Existence Inappropriate Construction and Traffic Signs That'll Make You Look TwiceTRENDING...
Reddit 1,031 votes Is this funny? 17 "Dirt" Photo: Pinterest 765 votes Is this funny? 18 The Magic Touch Photo: Pinterest 679 votes Is this funny? 19 You Must Be This Tall To Ride This Ride Photo: Imgur 644 votes Is this funny?
Reddit 1,031 votes Is this funny? 17 "Dirt" Photo: Pinterest 765 votes Is this funny? 18 The Magic Touch Photo: Pinterest 679 votes Is this funny? 19 You Must Be This Tall To Ride This Ride Photo: Imgur 644 votes Is this funny?