InScouts BSA, Leave No Trace is required for rank advancement. For example, Scouts must show they understand the principles for Second Class and First Class ranks. They also learn how to teach Leave No Trace to others for higher ranks like Star and Life. Venturers take Leave No Trace even...
LeaveNoTrace“Virtual”Campfire VegetationImpacts VegetationlossSpreadofnon-nativespecies Treedamage SoilImpacts LossoforganiclitterSoilcompactionSoilerosion WildlifeImpacts DisturbanceofwildlifeAlteredbehavior Reducedhealth&reproduction WaterResourceImpacts Turbidity,sedimentationSoap&fecalwastes SocialImpacts Crowding...
recite and explain the principles of leave no trace.2. 29、on three separate camping/backpacking trips, demonstrate and practice the principles of leave no trace.3. earn the camping and environmental science merit badges.4. participate in a leave no trace-related service project.5. give a ...
You can make a tabletop display or give a presentation about the Leave No Trace principles. This can be done for your crew, another crew, a Cub Scout pack, a Scouts BSA troop, or another group. You can also teach a Leave No Trace Awareness course. Sharing your knowledge helps others ...
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The lnt modules that you attended, John, were put on by lnt trainers to help educate other leaders in your council about the lnt principles. The 16 hour training course is done by the organization leave not trace so that people can become a lnt trainer. In order for bsa to also have ...