programisneeded.IntroduceanddescribeLeaveNoTracepracticesmost applicableforBoyScouts.Takeonlyphotographs,Leaveonlyfootprints…Boggledbytheminimumimpactslogan,theScoutmastertakesonlyphotosoffootprints…OverviewofVisitorImpacts LeaveNoTrace“Virtual”Campfire VegetationImpacts VegetationlossSpreadofnon-nativespecies Tree...
InScouts BSA, Leave No Trace is required for rank advancement. For example, Scouts must show they understand the principles for Second Class and First Class ranks. They also learn how to teach Leave No Trace to others for higher ranks like Star and Life. Venturers take Leave No Trace even...
1、 leave no tracepresentation objectivesprovide an overview of resource impacts resulting from recreational why a national leave no trace educational program is needed.introduce and describe leave no trace practices most applicable for boy scouts.take only photographs, leave only footprints ...
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