Leatrix Maps (DELETE THIS ADDON, CLASSIC ERA PROJECT MOVED) will start downloading in 2 seconds... STILL DOWNLOADINGMANUALLY?? Join over10 million playerswho use theCurseForge app! Download App Now Leatrix Maps (DELETE THIS ADDON, CLASSIC ERA PROJECT MOVED) ...
Leatrix Maps for Cataclysm Classic and Classic Era has moved. All versions of Leatrix Maps are now under the same project ID. If you already use Leatrix Maps for Cataclysm or Classic Era, please remove it and install it from the new project which is https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons...
《魔兽世界怀旧服》LeatrixMaps地图缩放插件可以为玩家在游戏中提供地图缩放的功能(“Leatrix_Maps.lua”120行可改地图大小,默认1,我修改为的是0.8,嫌大你就改成0.5嫌小你就改回1)。 插件使用 1、下载解压缩 2、放入World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns ...
Leatrix.com This is my personal website which acts as a hub for my free World of Warcraft addonsLeatrix Plus,Leatrix MapsandLeatrix Sounds for The War Within, Cataclysm Classic and Classic (including Season of Discovery, Anniversary, Hardcore and Era). ...
魔兽世界赛季服插件分享 BattleGroundEnemies 战场监控插件 DCT战斗指示器 BattleInfo 战场信息插件 bigdebuffs netaplates 血条插件 Classic Castbars 敌方施法条插件 - 魔兽天灰于20240208发布在抖音,已经收获了9.3万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Leatrix.com This is my personal website which acts as a hub for my free World of Warcraft addonsLeatrix Plus,Leatrix MapsandLeatrix Sounds for The War Within, Cataclysm Classic and Classic (including Season of Discovery, Anniversary, Hardcore and Era). ...
魔兽世界leatrix maps插件是个经典的大地图显示全开插件,它可以将默认未探索的隐藏区域全部点亮,同时能够显示已接受任务和未接受任务,这样你就能够在一张地图中轻松的探索做任务啦。此插件适用于怀旧服版本,有需要的不要错过哦。 【插件安装说明】 下载后将插件解压到World of Warcraft >_classic_>interface>addons目...
Leatrix Maps for Cataclysm Classic and Classic Era has moved. All versions of Leatrix Maps are now under the same project ID. If you already use Leatrix Maps for Cataclysm or Classic Era, please remove it and install it from the new project which is https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons...
All versions of Leatrix Maps are now under the same project ID. If you already use Leatrix Maps for Cataclysm or Classic Era, please remove it and install it from the new project which is https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/leatrix-maps. You must do this to continue to receive updates...