Leatrix Maps (DELETE THIS ADDON, CLASSIC ERA PROJECT MOVED) ByBanishd Addons 21,982,388 Description Important Leatrix Maps for Cataclysm Classic and Classic Era has moved. All versions of Leatrix Maps are now under the same project ID. ...
All versions of Leatrix Maps are now under the same project ID. If you already use Leatrix Maps for Cataclysm or Classic Era, please remove it and install it from the new project which is https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/leatrix-maps. You must do this to continue to receive updates...
[怀旧服]Leatrix Maps (BCC and Wrath Classic) 地图 当前评分:4.5 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 57622 最后更新:2024-04-20 07:00 插件大小:172.64kb 最新版本号:3.0.191 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:Leatrix 基础指南 怀旧服问题汇总:插件、字体、防暂离等...
[怀旧服]Leatrix Maps (Cataclysm Classic) 地图 当前评分:7.5 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 67583 最后更新:2024-12-06 03:01 插件大小:440.17kb 最新版本号:4.0.36h-cata 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:Leatrix 基础指南 怀旧服问题汇总:插件、字体、防暂离等...
Leatrix Maps改进了TBC怀旧服版的世界地图。可以显示地图,显示副本图标和坐标,规模和位置地图,消除边界,防止变焦重置,提高战场地图等等。所有设置都是可选的。Leatrix地图支持魔兽世界经典 输入/ltm听打开Leatrix Maps。 一些选项旁边有很少的配置按钮以供进一步配置。
Leatrix Maps Map enhancements addon. Leatrix Sounds Sound file browser. Support To report issues with an addon, use the Issue Tracker on GitHub. There is a link to each addon's issue tracker in the addon pages above.Support tickets raised using private messaging or email will not be answered...
魔兽世界赛季服插件分享 BattleGroundEnemies 战场监控插件 DCT战斗指示器 BattleInfo 战场信息插件 bigdebuffs netaplates 血条插件 Classic Castbars 敌方施法条插件 - 魔兽天灰于20240208发布在抖音,已经收获了9.3万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Leatrix Maps Map enhancements addon. Leatrix Sounds Sound file browser. Support To report issues with an addon, use the Issue Tracker on GitHub. There is a link to each addon's issue tracker in the addon pages above.Support tickets raised using private messaging or email will not be answered...
Leatrix Maps (TBC) (Burning Crusade Classic) 插件作者:Leatrix Maps 本站下载资源除原创外,有些资源转载自各大游戏论坛及游戏下载站,并全部为免费分享。若有侵权之处请速联系我们,将会在24小时内删除。举报方式:在线举报,或通过 邮箱联系。 本地下载 为了我们提升下载服务器与维持费用,我们放了一些广告请谅解。
Leatrix Maps for Cataclysm Classic and Classic Era has moved. All versions of Leatrix Maps are now under the same project ID. If you already use Leatrix Maps for Cataclysm or Classic Era, please remove it and install it from the new project which is https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons...