The wider a color is distributed in the image, the less possible a salient object contains this color. First all colors in the image are represented by GMMs, thus each pixel is assigned to a color component with a probability. Then thehorizontal and vertical variance are calculated respectively...
LearningtoDetectSalientObjectswithImage-levelSupervision LijunWang 1 ,HuchuanLu 1 ,YifanWang 1 ,MengyangFeng 1 DongWang 1 ,BaocaiYin 1 ,andXiangRuan 2 1 DalianUniversityofTechnology,China 2 TiwakiCo.,Ltd Abstract DeepNeuralNetworks(DNNs)havesubstantially...
three branches: a Saliency Detection Branch leveraging class consistency information to locate candidate objects; a Boundary Detection Branch exploiting class discrepancy information to delineate object boundaries; and a Centroid Detection Branch using subitizing information to detect salient instance centroids....
• MSRA-A (Learning to detect a salient object) 包含从各种图像论坛和图像搜索引擎收集的20,840张图像。 每个图像都有一个清晰,明确的对象,相应的注释是三个用户提供的边界框由“少数服从多数”选择制定。 • MSRA-B (Learning to detect a salient object) 作为MSRA-A的一个子集,有由9个用户使用边界框...
[9]. An alternative approach to use local contrast using a fuzzy growth model is proposed in [19]. In [30], a bottom-up method to detect salient regions using graph-based manifold raking was proposed. Jianget al.[11] proposed a method to integrate discriminative regional features to ...
230124 A Watermark for Large Language Models 230126 DetectGPT 230131 Faithful Chain-of-Thought Reasoning #prompt 230131 Grounding Language Models to Images for Multimodal Generation #multimodal_generation #vision-language 230131 Large Language Models Can Be Easily Distracted by Irrelevant Context #in_contex...
TreeDetection -> A color-based classifier to detect the trees in google image data along with tree visual localization and crown size calculations via OpenCV PTDM -> Pomelo Tree Detection Method Based on Attention Mechanism and Cross-Layer Feature Fusion urban-tree-detection -> Individual Tree ...
Despite the substantial interests in computer vision, saliency detection has received relatively less attention to the object discovery community. In [27], the most "salient" regions are selected to update the models based on a fixed matching threshold. We adopt the bottom-up saliency cues into ...
[Pelee] Pelee: A Real-Time Object Detection System on Mobile Devices | [NIPS' 18] |[pdf] [official code - caffe] [HKRM] Hybrid Knowledge Routed Modules for Large-scale Object Detection | [NIPS' 18] |[pdf] [MetaAnchor] MetaAnchor: Learning to Detect Objects with Customized Anchors | [...
Using Convolutional Neural Nets to Detect Facial Keypoints Generate an Average Face using Python and OpenCV Break A Captcha System using CNNs Use pre-trained Inception model to provide image predictions Create your first CNN Build A Facial Recognition Pipeline Build An Image Caption Generator Make yo...