its problem setting is quite similar to video salient object detection, except that it seeks to per-form a binary classification instead of computing asaliency probability for each pixel.
Shifting More Attention to Video Salient Object Detection (CVPR 2019),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Video Salient Object Detection via Fully Convolutional Networks Video Salient Object Detection via Fully Convolutional Networks 本文提出了深度学习模型来有效检测视频中的显著性区域。它解决了两个重要的问题:1)深度视频显著模型训练缺乏足够多的像素注释视频;2)快速视频显著性训练和检测。 提出的深度视频显著性网络包...
cnn在显著性检测中又可分两类:基于区域的深度特征学习和端对端的基于全连接卷积网络的方法。 视频显著性检测早期直接是对图片显著性检测的扩展,相关工作中有用到手工特征,无法较好处理复杂的视频。最近工作有合并cnn网络到一个时空条件随机场,还有使用第二个fcn网路提升另一个fcn网路产生的显著图的时间相干性。但fc...
突出/显眼目标的识别广泛用于机器视觉,自动驾驶等领域,研究表明,人的眼睛对于显眼和不显眼的目标的识别的方式有着显著的不同 但是由于各类原因,vsod的领域面临着很多挑战,所以,针对这些,这篇文章主要探讨了两个方面,一是提出了基于人眼动态识别这种机制的数据集,尤
Video salient object detection is an effective measure for identifying objects of interest within video sequences, which requires the processing of information from spatial-motion patterns. While plenty of traditional video salient object detection models have historically aimed to develop efficient features...
The video salient object detection (SOD) is the first step for the devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) to understand the environment around them. The video SOD needs the objects' motion information in contiguous video frames as well as spatial contrast information from a single video frame...
Video salient object detection is an effective measure for identifying objects of interest within video sequences, which requires the processing of information from spatial-motion patterns. While plenty of traditional video salient object detection models have historically aimed to develop efficient features...
显著性目标检测(salient object detection)目的是为了找到一个场景中最显著的物体。由于其任务的实用性,应用在许多产品的底层算法中,例如抠图软件、机器人避障、自动驾驶、医学诊断等。 显著性目标检测例子 目录及部分内容截图: 本文仅做学术分享,如有侵权,请联系删文。
Semi-Supervised Video Salient Object Detection Using Pseudo-Labels 论文详读,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。