D.Try to make this a regular, timetabled part of your day. E.It is sometimes helpful to tell your friends about your plan. F.When you set your study targets, allow regular revision time. G.It is also a good idea to keep your notebooks neat and well organized. ...
题目 When someone is attempting to communicate with you,it's important to slow yourself down and tune in so that you can truly listen to what they are saying.When you learn how to listen effectively,you'll be able to develop a deeper connection with the people in your ...
Ⅲ.Teachingdifficultpoints: Howtolisteneffectivelyonthelisteningmaterialandhowtoorganizethediscussionwell. Ⅳ.Teachingmethods: Listening,task-basedlearningandcooperativelearning Ⅴ.Teachingaids: Acomputer,ablackboard,arecorder Ⅵ.Teachingprocedures: StepⅠLead-in 1.Greetings. 2.T:Inthelastperiod,we’ve...
Listening effectively can improve both trust and commitment between two people. After all, one of the most basic human needs is the need to feel witnessed. Paying attention to what others are saying, and the intent behind those words, is a way of honoring an individual’s importance and look...
more effective Para2 The g ood learning place –school Para3 The social situation Para4 Why is life-long learning important Para5 Study habits and attitudes [来源学。科。网][来源:ZXXK] T: I think you have learned why we need life-long learning, so do you know how to learn effectively...
My question is how to learn Englisheffectively.我的问题是怎样有效地学英语。 ◆要点必记 effectiveadj.有效的,生效的 take effective measures/steps采取有效措施 drugs that are effective against cancer治疗癌症的有效药物 effectn.结果;效应;影响 ◆单句语法填空 (1)Aspirin is a simple but highlyeffective(ef...
how to learn english 英语作文 篇 1 English is one of the most important languages in the world. it’s necessary(必要) for us to learn it well. how do you study it well? everyone can learn englsih well in different ways. i think the best way it’s that we must listen more, speak...
this arrangement was intended to ensure that there was someone who had prior knowledge of the subject and could lead group discussion effectively. The rest of the students could sign up for any course that interested them. However, as all of the courses were for beginners, the teacher discourag...
When given a task where children have to focus on one thing and ignore distracting information, bilingual children have shown themselves to the task. When they are asked to change their focus elsewhere, bilingual children also do this more effectively. Focusing and changing attention are important ...
-阅读材料:推荐学生阅读与学习策略相关的英语文章,如《HowtoStudyEffectively》、《Top10StudyTipsforStudents》等,以加深对学习策略的理解和应用。 -视频资料:观看有关学习方法的英文视频,如TED演讲《TheFirst20Hours-HowtoLearnAnything》等,激发学生对学习策略的兴趣。 -名人名言:收集一些关于学习的名人名言,让学生在...