Chapter5 HowtoListenEffectively ShilanLiu GuangdongUniversityofForeignStudies 2021/1/6 1 1.Listeningapproaches Fivelayersoflistening:basedonattitudes •第一层是根本不听,例如妈妈的唠叨。•第二层是假装在听,例如青蛙状倾听。•第三层是有选择的听,例如聊天、报告等。•第四层是全神贯注地听,又叫...
HOWTOEFFECTIVELY LISTENANDENJOYA CLASSICALMUSIC CONCERT 1.INTRODUCTION Hearinglivemusicisoneofthemostpleasurableexperiencesavailabletohumanbeings. Themusicsoundsgreat,itfeelsgreat,andyougettowatchthemusiciansastheycreateit. Nomatterwhatkindofmusicyoulove,trylisteningtoitlive. Thisguidefocusesonclassicalmusic,atrad...
《海外直订The Art of Active Listening: How to Listen Effectively in 10 Simple St 积极倾听的艺术:10个简单的步骤,如何有效地倾听,》,作者:海外直订The Art of Active Listening: How to Listen Effectively in 10 Simple St 积极倾听的艺术:10个简单的步骤,如何有
How to listen to and understand great music - Guidebook 热度: How to Use Evidence to Support an Argument or Learn 如何使用证据来支持论点或学习 热度: PynnThe Journey Learning to listen, listening to learn i 热度: 如何学会有效倾听(Howtolearntolisteneffectively) ...
【题目】How to Communicate Effectively Effective communication is a must for everyo ne who hopes to be success ful. It helps expres s your thoughts an d improves your career pros pects (职业前景) as well as improves relations hips. T herefore, it's necessary to work har d t o improve...
39.G考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力.根据Body language means keeping eye contact and using hand gestures only wherever required.肢体语言意味着在需要的时候保持眼神交流,使用手势G选项Remember,there is no need to speak every word with a gesture or facial expression.记住不是说每一句话时都要有手势和...
How to listening more effectively: Self-monitoring strategies in listening. International Journal of Listening, 15(1), 2-19. to listen more efficiently:Self - monitoring strategies in Listening[J].International Journal of Listening, 2001...
Dramatically increasing international exchange are now bringing Chinese people a lot of chances to communicate with foreigners face to face, which make how to develop students’ listening competence effectively an urgent task. Listening is the most common communicative activity in daily life :”we can...
In short: it’s about how you listen. And despite the fact that leaders typically spend upwards of eighty percent of their day listening, only two percent of them have ever had training in how to listen effectively. At a time when we are more technologically linked than ...
Once you are done with your part, listen carefully to what other people plan to say. 1. At the beginning of this text, what the writer writes means if you want to succeed, you must ___. A. communicate effectively B. express your thoughts C. improves your career prospects D. improves...