This research focuses on BioScientist, a digital game-based, inquiry-based learning program embedded in the biology curriculum that develops inquiry skills
This study investigates the impact of gamified learning, specifically through computerised and paper-based board games, compared to conventional teaching methods on science education for 10-year-old students. We conducted an experimental design with 574 Malaysian Type Chinese Primary School participants, ...
It includes a few aller than usual games that babies and preschool kids will love to play, and the more they do the better their math abilities will progress toward becoming! Math Kids will encourage preschoolers, kindergarteners, first graders to figure out how to distinguish numbers and ...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of using Scratch Programming in science learning for 5th graders in Taipei. A quasi-experimental design with a single group was used in this study. 96 fifth graders at an elementary school in Taipei participated in 15 weeks of Scratch...
Students have to complete activities on a playlist based on their needs and the work required for their grade. Next:Screen Time at School 6/8 Credit Screen Time at School Sixth-graders Lizbeth Hernandez, Amanda Torres and Stephanie Patino work on computers during their computation class as KIPP...
Effects of Game-Based Learning on Students’ Achievement inScience A Meta-Analysis 作者: 6800 免费制作 更多内容Effects of Game-Based Learning on Students’ Achievement inScience A Meta-Analysis 发布时间:2023-3-13 | 云展网企业画册制作 公司宣传册 其他 Effects of Game-Based Learning on Students’...
Digital Game-Based Learning in high school Computer Science education: Impact on educational effectiveness and student motivation The aim of this study was to assess the learning effectiveness and motivational appeal of a computer game for learning computer memory concepts, which was ... M Papa...
A deep-learning system for the assessment of cardiovascular disease risk via the measurement of retinal-vessel calibre Deep-learning models for the automated measurement of retinal-vessel calibre in retinal photographs perform comparably to or better than expert graders in associations of measurements of...
games can be used to teach a wide range of science topics, moreover, the computer environment offers applications that can be used in classrooms. Examples include many cases of software use that is not specifically educational and is used in schools. On the other hand, serious games are ...
considering the period from 2018 to 2023. The sample consisted of 64 studies that met the established inclusion criteria. The results showed a higher production of studies in Asia, a lack of theoretical support for the integration of immersive technologies, and a greater focus on science education...