Skarner UnfloppingDespite the latest "nerfs" players are finding success with Skarner in high level gameplay which is trickling down to other tiers as well. He's got great trade power, excellent all-in and overall feels good to play now that people have gotten the hang of his kit. Meanw...
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As gamers worldwide are settling into the new year, League of Legends is introducing some fresh fine-tuning and in-game changes. In this upcoming update, players can expect Atakhan nerfs, assassin and ADC buffs, a wildfire relief fundraising effort and more. Plus, Mel Medarda will finally j...
Nerfs for The Unforgiven, splash art updates, and a deep-dive of champion smells.By Meddler, HUGEnFAST & Riot Tiger Lily8 years ago Champion/dev: On Champion Prototypes Before they’re ready to launch, in-progress champions take on strange forms.By Meddler8 years ago ...
Let's explore League of Legends' upcoming Patch 25.S1.3, which will buff assassins even further, adjust Atakhan and nerf several key Jungle Champions. Gabby DeSena | 48 Minutes Ago Skarner is one Jungle Champion facing nerfs in the upcoming Patch. / Riot GamesThe...
Home Leauge of Legends Blog by Adeadmansname: early impact, review, patch notes, buffs and nerfs, special buffs and nerfs, analytics
There are League of Legends terms that are used in and outside the game, with some terms being used to simplify and facilitate rapid communication. This is a list of these terms and their definitions. Please contribute to the page by adding more terms an
Scherzo is a composer on League. His guitar playing may be rusty, but he keeps his pinky in shape by mashing Q on Irelia thousands of times a year. bananaband1t Writer Nikki Brown Bananaband1t is a writer on League of Legends who secures kills with Ebb and Flow.Game...
Given the depth of 9.3's changes (mechanical changes have more ramifications than buffing or nerfing damage numbers), if we had tried to keep Akali's overall strength unchanged, she might have remained dominant, making it hard to tell what—if anything—our nerfs actually did. Two patches ...
According to Nocturne's lore and the Realms of Runeterra timeline placement of the Rune Wars, it came to be around 1000 years ago. Based on its cards' flavour text in Legends of Runeterra, Nocturne came back to the material realm through the Shadow Isles and ended up in Fossbarrow, ...