Some of the newest andbest League of Legends Champions, likeAphelios,Senna, andSett, have had to undergo a few rounds of tinkering since their arrival in theMOBAgame – and been slapped with a bunch of nerfs to balance them out. Now, however, Riot has said it’s not happy with how th...
Eternal Nocturne's quote "OBLIVIONNNNN" while ulting sounds in game more like "SHHHHHHHH ONNNIONNNNNNN". Seriously, i can't get it out of my head, it always sounds like he's saying "onion". By the way, Irelia asks for her Nerf Gun back. By looking at patch notes, i think that...
The next round of League of Legends patch notes is here, as the 13.11 update for the MOBA game is rolled out by Riot. Two ADCs are under the nerf hammer, as MSI favorites Jinx and Aphelios see some pretty big changes. If you need to get caught up with absolutely everything that ...
There are League of Legends terms that are used in and outside the game, with some terms being used to simplify and facilitate rapid communication. This is a list of these terms and their definitions. Please contribute to the page by adding more terms an
cutting her rope and freeing her from Jhin's trap. While Jhin was ready to fire a shot into Shen's head, Akali burst out of the smoke and punched Jhin to the ground, grabbing his gun and preparing to kill him for his crimes while Shen pleaded for her not to as he needed to bring...
the Vi mains and taking a pass at changing up Skarner's Spires. There are a couple of other champions we're monitoring due to their reliance on Conqueror, but until those changes to the rune settle in, we won't be taking any immediate action. (Also, we're gonna nerf Ezreal in 9.6...
As players wait to try the newest League of Legends champs out, here’s a look at every single champion in the game so far — all 141 of them, described by Riot’s Greg Street and Andrei Van Roon. Game Capture footage by Declan Wadey of SkinSpotlights an
League of Legends XXX: Must be Summoner Level 18 to View You can sign up for League of Legends here. It's a free MOBA, based on Defence of the Ancients. We maintain lists of players, sorted by server. If you are not on these lists and would like
Happy New Year! Since it’s 2019 and season 9 starts soon, we’re now in the 9.x patch cycle. It’s time for moreLeague of Legends. 9.1 has big changes for three champions that are constantly in weird places: Kalista, Ornn and Sejuani. Kalista is getting general stat and skill damag...
19-year-old Faker came out of nowhere to become the first true global star of gaming. But can the League of Legends prodigy carry a nation on his shoulders? by Mina Kimes Photo Illustration by Richard Roberts As part of the stories of the year collection, this piece is being resurfac...