此版本中的新功能:# Updated timers to support new jungle patch (11/29/11) # Updated flash time to reflect changes to flash. League of Legends Jungle Timer功能介绍 《League of Legends Jungle Timer》是一款专为LOL打野选手设计的计时应用。以下是该应用的主要功能: 1. 支持LOL游戏第二季度的更新内...
No Comments Yet Be the first to comment on The Old Timer (Legends of Runeterra)!Recent Images Vladimir WR Promo 01 inVladimir/Development 3 hours ago Nilah WR Promo 01 inNilah/Development 3 hours ago Hecarim Nilah Vladimir WR Promo 01 inHecarim/Development 3 hours ago Popular Pages Skarner...
THE PASSIONATE GUIDE TO TEEMO. Teemo build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Teemo Strategy Builds and Tools.
** Updated for Season 2 and the new jungle **A timer application for League of Legends Junglers. Tap on the image of the jungle creep camp cleared and a timer will start so you know when the camp will reappear. This is especially useful for Red, Blue and Baron Buffs as well as Drago...
Sam "BOBtimer" Everhart is a League of Legends esports player, currently top laner for North Carolina State University. Team History Combine Role Swaps:No|Yes Dates:Approx|ExactTeamStartEnd NA NC State≈Aug 2020 Present ≈3yr 2mo...
Arena is a Featured Game Mode in League of Legends. Players battle against each other in eight teams of two (2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2) and power up with unique Augments until only one team is left standing. Combat takes place in the Rings of Wrath: five different
Aqueue delayis the amount of time you must wait before entering the queue. The timer will appear when you first attempt to enter the queue, and it willreset back to its full time if you do not wait through the full duration. If youdodge outof champ select after your delay is complete...
get the most out of his kit. This is where Ionian boots come in handy. This item grants ability haste, which lowers the cooldown reduction on abilities. Ionian boots also grant summoner spell haste, meaning his flash will be off cooldown much quicker than the standard flash cooldown timer...
https://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/15.3.1/img/spell/FlashFrost.png You can find the file name for each champion's abilities in the individual champion Data Dragon file. Thespellsfield contains an array of objects which includesimagedata. The filename is indicated by thefullfield. ...
It's a bit of a weird case with channeled abilities because nothing is moving but all damage is calculated on-hit, rather than on-cast or on-channel-completion. You can also level up an ability to gain extra damage when the ability hits (if the ability hasn't hit yet); resource costs...