V14.16 Patch Highlights T1 Jayce Release Date (US) August 14th, 2024 Highlights 2023 World Champions skins Senna changes Death timers increased Related links 14.16 Patch Notes Patch chronology ← PreviousNext → V14.15 V14.17 Contents
The point of the game characterized by longer death timers, intensive control of a large portion of the map and fast pushing and sieging, late-stage Baron and Drake contesting, and multiple champions finishing their item builds. Hypercarries are at their strongest point during the late game. Pr...
联赛传奇的计时器 League of Legends Timers最新版截图 # 联赛传奇的计时器 League of Legends Timers最新版 联盟的传奇计时器是一个非常简单的应用程序设计为帮助玩家跟踪迷计时器。球员只需要点击一个浅黄色的图标来启动计时器。当迷respawns球员通知声音鸣响和准备文本。 网友评论更多 下载豌豆荚,参与网友评论互动...
THE PASSIONATE GUIDE TO TEEMO. Teemo build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Teemo Strategy Builds and Tools.
UPDATED Glimpse of the Void NAME : [Doom’s Eve] ⇒ Glimpse of the Void DURATION : [2:00] ⇒ 20:00 CORRUPTED BLOOD Glimpse of the Void is not lost on death or obtaining Hand of Baron CORRUPTION : While no allied champions are near you, you gain 5% damage reduction against...
Sudden Death In order to guarantee SWIFTplay lives up to its name, any match that lasts a certain amount of time will enter Sudden Death. At this point various defensive structures across the map will begin to lose their durability. If the match continues long enough, you'll get a warning...
Micro also includes things you do in real life that don't affect your character directly, like checking the minimap for the location of their characters, opening the champion summaries to see what items they've obtained, what levels they are, their CS, or their death timers. At higher level...
MobaDroid is the best League of Legends (LoL) app on the market! Jungle Timers, builds, counter picks, item database, detailed champion info, we have it all! Do you hate alt-tabbing out of League Of Legends to check your build? Us too! Just take a quick peek at your phone or tabl...
This Section is intended only to govern Active Roster changes voluntarily made by Teams and does not address mandatory Player substitutions which may be required by the MPL official as a result of the death or disability of a Player or the suspension or banning of a Player by the MPL official...
re: League of Legends World Championship NaJin Black Sword vs. SK Telecom T1 Liveblog I'm rooting for SKT myself, they've got a nice name for themselves with a bit of uncommon picks here and there, and I'd love to see them fight Fnatic in the finals, to hav...