TierGames with AFK Iron 7.5% Bronze 5.1% Silver 3.8% Gold 3.0% Platinum 2.4% Emerald 1.8% Diamond 1.3% Master 0.9% RegionGames with AFK BR 6.7% TR 6.6% ME 6.3% LAN 5.9% LAS 5.3% VN 4.6% SG 4.5% EUNE 4.5% RU 3.8% EUW 3.0% OCE 2.8% NA 2.7% TW 1.7% KR 1.6% JP 1.1% Rank...
AFK stats Home >AFK stats BR LeagueOfGraphs.com is available in Chinese. Clickhereto use this language. Ranked Solo/Duo (BR) TierGames with AFK Iron 9.8% Bronze 6.9% Silver 5.7% Gold 4.5% Platinum 4.1% Emerald 3.1% Diamond 2.8%
Whether the match has just begun or you're 40 minutes deep, suddenly finding yourself in a 4v5 is no fun for anybody. That's why we've developed a system to temporarily take repeat offenders out of the game so they have fewer chances to negatively impact other players: LeaverBuster. AFK...
Leaverbuster and Queue Dodging—which pertain to going afk in games and dodging the queue respectively—are two more examples of restrictions that will prevent/delay you from starting a new game while still allowing you to log in. Temporary vs Permanent Suspension/Ban Just as the name impli...
THE PASSIONATE GUIDE TO TEEMO. Teemo build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Teemo Strategy Builds and Tools.
Niveau d'honneur 2 ou plus obligatoire à tout moment (pour les créateurs de contenu League of Legends) Concourez avec fair-play et intégrité, soyez un bon coéquipier et défenseur du jeu. Attentes concernant votre comportement hors du jeu ...
League of Legends: Wild Rift Ratings and Reviews 4.3 out of 5 2.4K Ratingstomahek , 12/04/2021 gg Good game with a big potential. But.. For last 2weeks i experience unpleasant lags. I usually start around 20ms latency but when getting into fight it jumps to 200+ or it stays...
There are League of Legends terms that are used in and outside the game, with some terms being used to simplify and facilitate rapid communication. This is a list of these terms and their definitions. Please contribute to the page by adding more terms an
HOW TO SCRIPT LEAGUE OF LEGENDS ? You have to use the best lol evade script that offers 6 awesome features to help the players who are tired of losing all ranked games because of AFK and trolls. With this LoL hack tool, you will be able to predict all spells, dodge them, use the ...
Introducing League of Legends, where bugs aren't just fixed—they’re celebrated! Forget about stability and polish; here, bugs are an integral part of the experience. Picture this: you start a match, and instantly, you’re surrounded by four delightful teammates—aka bugs—who will stick wit...