前面的文章openlayers中网格聚类的实现发出来后,有好多童鞋问到了其他框架的实现,本文就大家看看在leaflet和mapboxGL中如何实现。 效果 实现 1. leaflet实现 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 class Geojson { constructor(features = [], metaData = {}) { this.type = 'FeatureCollection' ...
设置控制mapbox gl属性 默认情况下leaflet-mapbox-gl封装了mapbox-gl的属性和事件控制,我在原来的基础上,修改了源码,通过L.glMap可以像控制mapbox-gl一样控制glMap 另外参考https://www.cnblogs.com/shitao/p/3566598.html监控leaflet事件,可以扩展事件和效果 效果图...
Mapbox GL Leaflet This is a binding fromMapbox GL JSto the familiarLeafletAPI. Code example // replace with your Mapbox API Access token. Only include a token if you will be using Mapbox tiles.vartoken="pk.XXXX";varmap=L.map('map').setView([38.912753,-77.032194],15);L.marker([38...
Mapbox GL Leaflet This is a binding fromMapbox GL JSto the familiarLeafletAPI. Code example // replace with your Mapbox API Access token. Only include a token if you will be using Mapbox tiles.vartoken="pk.XXXX";varmap=L.map('map').setView([38.912753,-77.032194],15);L.marker([38...
其中MapLibreGL,这个框架是社区从mapboxgl v1版本fork出来一个免费开源的分支来自己进行维护更新的 ...
最后,是maobox.gl.js, maobox.gl.js不同于maobox.js,maobox.gl 底层采用webGL实现,性能和体验显著的提升,mabox.js则是采用leaflet。 maobox.gl.js在用户体验和性能上个人觉得都是最优的,gl版本起步较晚。社区生态插件也不是很多,但是官方也提供了相应的绘制插件。
TypeScript definitions for mapbox-gl-leaflet. Latest version: 0.0.4, last published: a year ago. Start using @types/mapbox-gl-leaflet in your project by running `npm i @types/mapbox-gl-leaflet`. There is 1 other project in the npm registry using @types/m
MapGIS Client for JavaScript 本脚本所有的示例都在对应的演示站点有详细的说明教程 2、GitHub GitHub是初始模板,物理上整合了leaflet,mapboxgl,cesium,openlayers, zondyclient等多个脚本,仅做技术验证&选型 司马云在逻辑上重构设计webclient-javascript,整合统一igserver,datastore,d3,mapv,echarts主流开源技术,基础平...
Using the provided sample code as provided here, https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/ I'm getting the following error. Can't quite figure out why the WebGL won't init. I've enabled the draft extension in Chrome as well. Help apprecia...