Originality/valueThe originality lies in the new way to examine the relationship between leadership and followership. It is the first study on the relationship of project managers. Its value is new insights, which introduced a new perspective to understand leadership and followership....
aspects of leadership and followership in two case studies conducted for a doctoral thesis, in a state primary school and an Anglican benefice.Using a naturalistic paradigm and an ethnographic approach, triangulated qualitative data were gathered and analysedusing Glaser and Strauss's Grounded Theory ...
Leadership, followership, self, and others This paper reviews the development of an approach to leadership based on a more active conception of the follower role in reacting to leader qualities. The leader-follower relationship is seen to be affected by perceptions, misperception... Hollander,P Edw...
(2010). The X-factor: On the relevance of implicit leadership and followership theories for leader-member exchange agreement. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 19, 333-363.Van Gils S,Van Quaquebeke N and Van Knippenberg D L. The X-factor: On the relevance of implicit ...
and international managers to quickly identify the leadership style that is most effective for Chinese employees and help them choose between “transplanting” and “localizing” their leadership styles. Theoretically, it will also provide a more comprehensive perspective in leadership and followership ...
The leadership has no subsistence if there is no follower(s) and a situation. Thus Leadership has three inevitable components -a leader, followers, and a situation and they all are linked by the medium of communication. The relationship between leadership, followership, and the situational and ...
In contrast followership is an a priori choice (self-conscious) of the individual in the context of his or her relationship to the nominal leader. Issues of authority and rank play little or no role in such a choice. Followership is interactive. Followers are in control the situation by the...
In addition, we hope to have brought together a set of papers that represent new potential directions in research that stem from the examination of followers and followership. Many of the empirical findings and theoretical contributions in this special issue suggest that, just as not all leaders ...
and international managers to quickly identify the leadership style that is most effective for Chinese employees and help them choose between “transplanting” and “localizing” their leadership styles. Theoretically, it will also provide a more comprehensive perspective in leadership and followership ...
and international managers to quickly identify the leadership style that is most effective for Chinese employees and help them choose between “transplanting” and “localizing” their leadership styles. Theoretically, it will also provide a more comprehensive perspective in leadership and followership ...