principal supporter, follower, disciple, sidekick (slang), adherent, henchman, hanger-on 2. front runner, pioneer, leading light, leading company, trailblazer, trendsetter, best-known company, groundbreaker, primary brand the leader in the mass market cosmetics industry Collins Thesaurus of the Engl...
School Leadership Teams: A Process Model of Team Development A number of studies have analyzed the factors that influence successful site-based management (SBM), but none has examined the relationships among those fa... JH Chrispeels,S Castillo,J Brown - 《School Effectiveness & School Improvement...
(i.e., in-group) sentiment, and several demonstrating features of both.;While there are myriad reasons for the emergence of out-group and in-group sentiment, it is believed that this synthesis provides contemporary leaders with a model for examining leader-follower relationships within their own...
follower forgiveness future generation gifts God Holy Spirit humility ideas influence innovation Jesus Joseph Joshua leader leadership learner management mentoring mission Moses movie npleader opportunity position potential power presence president problem solving ...
January 20, 2021 Leadership, like many qualities, can be learned and developed. Identifying leaders in your life and learning from them can strengthen skills and encourage personal growth. Servant Leadership: The Philosophy & Practice of Caring Leadership ...
They are as follows: General Douglas MacArthur, who presented Dotson with an award (gold watch) in 1948; Audie Murphy--“He and I were in the same outfit in the Army, but not at the same time,” said Dotson. They met when Murphy was shooting a movie in France and Germany. “Joe ...
This issue looks at many of thekey leadership responses needed during these topsy-turvy times. We'll start with a look at the key F-word that defines whether we're a leader, follower, or wallower.How we deal with "failure" (and even define it) is critical to our personal, team, or...
Leader + Follower + Situation = Great Leadership Leader – you as the leader facing your own inner demons and getting healthier Followers – getting the wrong people off the bus and getting the right people on the bus Situations – providing the solutions that are not always easy Learning thr...
This research aimed to examine how followers’ positive psychological resources, specifically CSE, and relational processes, such as leader-member exchange, might impact the relationship between humble leadership and follower innovative behavior within a comprehensive model that integrates mediation and moderat...
We present a range-based solution for indoor relative localization by micro air vehicles (MAVs), achieving sufficient accuracy for leader–follower fl