For this purpose, the rotor hub constraint $$\\varOmega ={ext {const.}}$$ is dropped and a drivetrain model, consisting of discrete inertia elements and intermediate flexible elements, is connected to the hub. By use of the multibody-software SIMPACK, the coupled rotor–drivetrain system is...
Therefore, the introduction of the new model constructed by using the lead-lag factor is reasonable and effective in the case of community group buying with lead-lag effect. Introduction At the end of January 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak has brought a great impact on the tertiary industry of...
Vector autoregression model (VAR) Before the thermal optimal path analysis, the conventional VAR model from the linear standpoint is adopted to conduct a preliminary study on the lead–lag relationships between oil market and the two stock markets. The previous descriptive statistics indicate price seq...
前者analysts coverage导致lead-lag effect减弱时generally,但是后者只会对industrial factor有影响(如果假设这样的former & latter调整模型:Model:Earnings = Industry factor+ Location Factor+ Firm-specific Factor, the industry & location factors of the former can predict the latter announcement separately)。 逻辑...
The next section describes the model development. As an illustration, the model is then applied to the Pan-European VCR-market. Our results show that, contrary to conventional wisdom, lead effects, at least as captured in the current model, are not always positive. We conclude with ...
Abstract: We propose a simple continuous time model for modeling the lead-lag effect between two financial assets. A two-dimensional process (Xt, Yt) reproduces a lead-lag effect if, for some time shift ϑ ∈ R, the process (Xt, Yt+ϑ) is a semi-martingale with respect to a ...
optimizationmatlaboptimal-controlinverted-pendulumstep-responsepid-controllersimulink-modellead-lag UpdatedSep 25, 2024 C Cyclicity Analysis of Time-Series Data pythonfinancedata-sciencetime-serieslinear-algebrapattern-recognitiontopological-data-analysistime-series-analysislead-lagleader-followercyclicity ...
The goal of the present paper is to develop an analytical helicopter body-flap-lag mathematical model and obtain insight into the response of the poorly damped lead-lag mode to cyclic control input excitations. It is known that such controls may result in pilotinduced body roll and pitch ...
2023-PLL-lead-lag-pull-inJo**an 上传3.78 KB 文件格式 zip pull-in diagrams 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 FCModel 2025-02-07 19:03:18 积分:1 fcitx5 2025-02-07 19:02:57 积分:1 NQueen 2025-02-07 19:02:17 积分:1 NQueen 2025-02-07 19:01:22 积分:...
Here,stability of a wind turbine blade nonlinear aeroelastic system during dynamic stall was investigated. The structural model consisted of a typing blade section subjected to flap/lead-lag motion.The aerodynamic loads during dynamic stall were computed using a semi-empirical and nonlinear Onera model...