(1b) Required for properties built prior to 1978. Use this Lead Paint Pamphlet to protect and inform your tenants about the potential dangers of lead paint exposure and fulfill regulatory requirements.
Lead Based Paint Pamphlet and Disclosure FormIf your rental property was build on or before January 1, 1978 as a Landlord, you are required by Federal law to provide your tenants with a copy of the pamphlet Protect Your Family From Paint In Your Home. You must also fill out and have ...
Renovate Right Pamphlet Lead Paint Supplies Kachina Lead Paint Legal Solutions Kachina Lead Paint Compliance Solutions
Discusses the need to protect children against lead poisoning. What lead poisoning is; Sources, including paint dust and tap water in homes that have lead ... Hwang,Mi,Young,... - 《Jama Journal of the American Medical Association》
–Pamphlet acknowledgment forms, owner opt-out forms, and documentation of work practices EPA may suspend, revoke, or modify a firm’s certification if firm is found to be in non-compliance. Non-compliant contractors may be liable for civil penalties of up to $25,000 for each violation...
The Renovate Right pamphlet helps homeowners and tenants understand the risks of lead-based paint, and how best to minimize these risks to protect themselves and their families. As part of the settlement, the company did not admit liability for the cited violations.To find Lead-Safe Certified ...
The appendices include The Lead Paint Safety Field Guide, the "Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home" pamphlet, summaries of important lead regulations, and other useful information. Appendix 10 is an optional module on Supervisory and Business Issues. 4. HUD Lead-Based Paint Training for ...
that requires that tenants and buyers receive a pamphlet titled “Protect your family from lead in your home”; be provided with information about lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards in the home; and a statement that the landlord/seller has adhered to all lead notification requirements...