The Lead Paint Pamphlet includes the proper information for safety when it comes to lead based paint. It explains the health effects that lead may cause, as well as how lead can enter the body. This pamphlet includes the information to contact an inspector when dealing with this harmful ...
freeoflead-basedpaint –Determinationbycertifiedinspector/riskassessoror certifiedrenovatorusinganEPA-approvedtestkit. Minorrepairandmaintenance: –6ft 2 orlessperroominterior,20ft 2 exterior. –Noprohibitedpractices,windowreplacementor demolitionofpaintedsurfaces. Renovationsperformedbyhomeownersintheir ownhomes....
Renovate Right Pamphlet Lead Paint Supplies Kachina Lead Paint Legal Solutions Kachina Lead Paint Compliance Solutions
Act(TSCA)toaddresslead-basedpainthazards createdbyrenovation,repair,andpaintingactivities thatdisturblead-basedpaintin“targethousing”and “child-occupiedfacilities.” – Formoreinformation: 3 BriefingOverview ...
Free Forms Membership ApplicationTenant ReleaseTenant ApplicationSample Lease AgreementDenial LetterCo-signer AgreementRefund StatementMove In/ Move Out StatementPet AgreementSample Eviction NoticeLead Based Paint DisclosureLead Based Paint PamphletSample Notary SubpoenaSample Credit Report Landlord Resources...
the eminent court physician published a pamphlet warning his countrymen of the dangers of drinking the local cider. He kindly gave credit to the publications of Musgrave and Huxham but went on to say that he believed they missed the mark in discerning the cause of the disease. He stated that...
that requires that tenants and buyers receive a pamphlet titled “Protect your family from lead in your home”; be provided with information about lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards in the home; and a statement that the landlord/seller has adhered to all lead notification requirements...
A letter of compliance with the lead paint law. The document of compliance will show your house as lead-free. 2. Buyers and Sellers Do Not Have to Test For Lead-Based paint. While you most certainly have to disclose your knowledge of lead-based paint in the home, you do not have to...
Washington DC landlord was sentenced to two years in prison and required to pay a tine of $50,000 for making false statements to federal officials and obstructing federal investigations in order to conceal his failure to notify tenants of the presence and hazards associated with lead-based paint...