Membership ApplicationTenant ReleaseTenant ApplicationSample Lease AgreementDenial LetterCo-signer AgreementRefund StatementMove In/ Move Out StatementPet AgreementSample Eviction NoticeLead Based Paint DisclosureLead Based Paint PamphletSample Notary SubpoenaSample Credit Report Landlord ResourcesLead...
Because exposure to lead can be extremely harmful. landlords MUST give ALL tenants the Lead Paint Pamphlet as well as the Lead Paint Disclosure. Copies of tenant signatures on the lead-based paint disclosure should be maintained in landlord’s active files at all times.Other...
[25] that requires landlords to present tenants with a lead safe certification, prepared by a lead-based paint risk assessor, prior to occupation of the rental unit to a family with a child under the age of six. Once signed by the tenant, the landlord is required to provide a copy of ...
In 1992, legislators determined that lead-based paint in homes should be disclosed before selling. They passed the Lead Law, which dictates how homes with lead paint should be dealt with for all the main parties of concern—sellers, buyers, rental owners, renters,real estate agents, etc. In...
Washington DC landlord was sentenced to two years in prison and required to pay a tine of $50,000 for making false statements to federal officials and obstructing federal investigations in order to conceal his failure to notify tenants of the presence and hazards associated with lead-based paint...
The impact of the residential lead paint disclosure rule on house prices: findings in the American housing survey J. Hous. Built Environ. (2016) S. Banzhaf et al. Environmental justice: the economics of race, place, and pollution J. Econ. Perspect. (2019) A.W. Bartik et al. The local...
Lead Standards for Rentals Urged; Rules for Landlords Would Limit Tenant Exposure to Tainted PaintGary Lee
ules 6th Circuit]]>Pat Murphy
Sources of environmental lead contamination can be difficult to pinpoint because the pathways to lead absorption are various: (1) deteriorating lead-based paint from walls, windows, and doors; (2) transportation of lead contamination to the house by other means; (3) playing with toys which ...