call for a quote today! Licensed Lead Paint Disclosure and Certification Law Read More Offering Philadelphia's Lead Safe Cert, Lead Free Cert & Family Child Care Cert. "Eliminate The Liability" Call Or Text Us Now: 215-600-3610(TAP THE NUMBER TO CALL) ...
Md. Court Decides Lead Paint Appeal; Renters Can Sue Housing AgenciesManuel RoigFranzia
Lead warning pamphlets for our customers, buyers, and renters. Local-Source EPA-RRP Rules in the Headlines Want to get more specific?Search "Lead Based Paint" and "Renovation Repair and Painting Rules", two of the leading sources for information and any topic related to remodeling lead paint ...
disclosure [8] might contribute to reducing lead exposures. However, the identification of fear suggests that either the ordinance should be enforced more strictly so the responsibility does not rest on the renters otherwise the renters need to be educated on the rights bestowed to them by the ...
If you are buying or selling a home where lead paint exists, you should know the law surrounding it. There are many nuances to buying or selling a house where lead paint lives. It is the only federally mandateddisclosure when selling a house. Other types of disclosure issues are governed ...
The impact of the residential lead paint disclosure rule on house prices: findings in the American housing survey J. Hous. Built Environ. (2016) S. Banzhaf et al. Environmental justice: the economics of race, place, and pollution J. Econ. Perspect. (2019) A.W. Bartik et al. The local...
Under the bill introduced byCouncilwoman Cindy Bass(8thDistrict, Chair of Public Health), the current Lead Paint Disclosure law, which requires disclosure of lead risks to renters and purchasers of property older than 1978, would be expanded to include the requir...
lead disclosure ruleradonhomes built before 1978.Context: Federal law requires property owners to disclose the presence of known lead-based paint and/or lead hazards to potential home buyers and renters in homes built before 1978. Objective: Using 2015-2016 randomized survey data, we measured lead...
Starting today, renters, buyers must be told of lead paint.(NEWS)Halvorsen, Donna