Looking at the ratio between total cholesterol and “good” cholesterol is another way to look at cholesterol levels. You want the “good” to be a higher amount of the total. You should try to keep your cholesterol ratio below 5, but lower numbers are even better. Cholesterol/HDL ratio ...
Cholesterol is naturally in the body; however, a diet high in fat and sugar; lack of exercise, and obesity contribute to elevated LDL or bad cholesterol levels in the blood. There are no symptoms of high cholesterol. You can lower your cholesterol with d
in men and in persons with elevated baseline HDL-C levels. 光是戒烟,就可以提升HDL-C达15-20%,几乎可以达到目前最好的HDL-C提升药物之效果。 体重减轻(例如测量腹围减少)也可以提升HDL-C。 Consumption of 30 g(1 fluid oz) of alcohol per day increases HDL-C levels by a mean of 4 mg/dL,irre...
2022年:Association of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels with the risk of mortality and cardiovascular events: A meta-analysis of cohort studies with 1,232,694 participants(低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平与死亡和心血管事件风险的关联:对1,232,694 名参与者进行的队列...
Evaluatedtheeffectsoflovastatinonfirstacutemajorcoronaryeventin6605menandwomenwithoutanycoronaryorvasculardiseaseandwithTC180-254mg/dlHDL-C45mg/dlinmenand47mg/dlinwomenLDL-C130-190mg/dl,orLDL-C125-129mg/dlwithTC/HDL-Cratio>6 Randomizedtolovastatin20mgvs.placebowithtitrationto40mgwithgoalofLDL-C110mg/...
(HDL) are considered to be anti-atherogenic, based to a large degree on epidemiological studies demonstrating a negative correlation between plasma HDL levels and atherosclerosis of coronary arteries (Gordon, et al., 1977), and on a number of in vitro studies demonstrating that HDL can remove ...
HDL和LDL风险评估与治疗课件 ThePyramidofRecentTrials RelativeSizeoftheVariousSegmentsofthePopulation VeryhighcholesterolwithCHDorMI ModeratelyhighcholesterolinhighriskCHDorMI NormalcholesterolwithCHDorMI HighcholesterolwithoutCHDorMI NohistoryofCHDorMI 4SLIPIDCAREWOSCOPSAFCAPS/TexCAPS AFCAPS/TexCAPSTertiaryEndpoint...
Race and ethnicity: High cholesterol rates can vary by race/ethnicity, with the highest being among Latinx males and non-Hispanic White females.6 Smoking:Smokingcan independently increase LDL and decrease HDL levels. Other medical conditions: A history of high blood pressure, heart disease, or dia...