正常血压、正常血糖、正常HDL-C、无吸烟的群体,在这群健康的青壮中年人群里,随着总胆固醇、LDL-C、non-HDL-C越高,冠状动脉粥状(软性以及钙化)斑块则越多,atherosclerosis progression 阶段越后期,ASCVD 发生率、罹患率也随之升高,即便是在血脂肪“正常”的范围里,即便是CAC ...
hdl,高密度脂蛋白(high-densitylipoprotein,缩写HDL),别称a1脂蛋白,俗称“血管清道夫”,是由脂质和蛋白质及其所携带的调节因子组成的复杂脂蛋白。ldl指低密度脂蛋白 低密度脂蛋白是一种运载胆固醇进入外周组织细胞的脂蛋白颗粒,可被氧化成氧化低密度脂蛋白,当低密度脂蛋白,尤其是氧化修饰的低密度脂...
HDL cholesterol, also known as high density lipoprotein cholesterol, is one of the components of blood lipids.High density lipoprotein cholesterol is mainly synthesized by the liver,and its main physiological function is to transport phospholipids and...
Very high :>190mg/dl 胆固醇一般认为正常值total 包括HDL跟LDL ,加起来如果是200以下都ok,其实上通...
没有胆固醇,就没有高密度脂蛋白(HDL)颗粒和低密度脂蛋白(LDL)颗粒,它们由胆固醇、甘油三酯、磷脂和蛋白质(载脂蛋白)组成,都具有重要的免疫、抗炎和抗氧化功能。 →胆固醇是救火的,血管堵塞不能怪胆固醇 传统医学发现,只要有斑块的地方,就有胆固醇,所以,他们将血管堵塞归咎于胆固醇,但是这只是表象。
HDL stands for high-density lipoprotein. This is the “good” cholesterol protein, and you want it to be high. In fact, the higher the better. To remember that you want HDL to be high, just think about the first letter. “H” is for high. “H” is also for helpful, as it moves...
HDL/LDLHigh Density Lipoprotein/low Density Lipoprotein Ratio Copyright 1988-2018AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved. Suggest new definition Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
Binding, Uptake, and Catabolism of Low Density (LDL) and High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) by Cultured Smooth Muscle CellsOver the past several years our laboratory has concerned itself with the sites of removal and degradation of plasma low density lipoproteins (LDL) and the cellular mechanisms ...
Apple cider, balsamic, rice, raspberry, and red wine vinegar also make heart-healthy salad dressing options. “Good” oils: Some oils can be good for you. Olive oil can help raise the level of your “good” cholesterol (HDL). Look for other vegetable-based oils: canola, soy, and sun...
LDLis known as the “bad” cholesterol because having too much LDL may cause a buildup of plaque in your blood vessels. Triglycerides are also a type of fat found in your blood. High triglycerides, low HDL, and/or high LDL numbers can increase your risk for heart attack and stroke. ...