lda_plus_u = .true. ,lda_plus_u_kind = 1,Hubbard_U(1) = 4.9, Hubbard_U(2) = 4.9...
lda_plus_u = .true.,Hubbard_U(2) = 1.d-10,Hubbard_U(3) = 1.d-10,/ lda_plus_u is set to .true. (necessary for DFT+U calculations) but the U on Fe atoms is very small (practically 0): 1.d-10. U won’t have any effect on the final result of the calculations; how-...
In probability and statistics, such kind of distribution is called Dirichlet distribution and it’s controlled by the parameter αα.For example, α=1α=1 indicates that samples are more evenly distributed over the space, α>1α>1 means that samples are gathering in the middle, and α<1α...
(1)=8.19, nat= 4, ntyp= 3, ecutwfc = 30.0, ecutrho = 240.0, occupations=smearing, smearing=mp, degauss=0.02, nspin=2, starting_magnetization(2)= 0.5, starting_magnetization(3)=-0.5, lda_plus_u = .true., Hubbard_U(2) = 1.d-10, Hubbard_U(3) = 1.d-10, / lda_plus_u ...
The red crosses and blue plus signs are the features after projection for open and grasp respectively. The LDA algorithm is a supervised learning algorithm. After learning the training data, we test the corresponding unknown classified action data, obtain a group of data lists, and calculate its...
big data and artificial intelligence technology, among which artificial intelligence belongs to computing technology, blockchain technology belongs to control technology, the Internet of Things belongs to sensing technology, cloud computing belongs to power technology, and big data belongs to a kind of ...
The current flowing through the inductor is the inductor ripple current plus the output current. During power up, faults or transient load conditions, the inductor current can increase above the calculated peak inductor current level calculated above. In transient conditions, the inductor current can ...