The first "low-code/no-code" (LCNC) platform was probably Apple HyperCard, introduced in 1987. Although it never enjoyed widespread adoption, it did enable users to create some fundamental applications using a graphical interface. By the time the term "citizen developer" was used at a Gartner ...
If your platform vendor discontinues the services, you will not get any security updates, and application providers will not be able to solve the problems. Vendor lock-in It is difficult to change the platform for the applications if they want to switch to another platform if you are not us...
Step 2: Project will be opened in a separated window as below. Here we can see LCNC platform is providing the capability to add Data Model, Service, Sample Data, UI and Workflow to our project directly. Step 3:Now let us create a data model by clicking on the + icon under Data Model...
Notice: The content above (including the videos, pictures and audios if any) is uploaded and posted by the user of Dafeng Hao, which is a social media platform and merely provides information storage space services.” 21世纪经济报道 广东二十一世纪环球经济报社 热播推荐 特朗普:美国伊朗关系很快会...
直播吧6月20日讯 据天空体育记者Florian Plettenberg的消息,拜仁18岁中场克拉滕马赫租借加盟德乙乌尔姆。 据报道称,拜仁球员克拉滕马赫租借加盟乌尔姆,租期为1年,交易已经完成。双方已完成签字并盖章,不含买断条款,即将官宣。 在几天前,克拉滕马赫与拜仁完成签约。在新赛季,拜仁打算将克拉滕马赫外租锻炼,继续积累德乙...
随着经济的不断发展,不论是物流业还是人们对出行的需求都日益增加,我们节假日的时候也都喜欢自驾游出去玩,当然对道路的要求也提高了。我们国家也是不断地在修路造桥。然而,却有一座国家斥巨资造的大桥却成为堵车胜地! 原来,这就是我国于1999年耗资30亿建成的虎门大桥。它是中国第一座大型悬索桥,主跨达到了888米...
2、6月22日的Gucci大秀出席嘉宾:倪妮、鹿晗、刘耀文、黄旭熙等。 3、《我和我的父辈》+陈飞宇。 4、上海突燃影业出品,青年导演创投筹备项目-电影《鹦鹉杀》监制:双雪涛,制片人:顿河(平原上的摩西、倒戗刺、风平浪静、送我上青云),导演、编剧:麻赢心。
Microsoft Cloud Microsoft 安全 Azure Dynamics 365 Microsoft 365 商业版 Microsoft 行业 Microsoft Power Platform 开发人员与 IT Microsoft 开发人员 文档 Microsoft Learn Microsoft 技术社区 Azure 市场 AppSource Visual Studio 其他 免费下载与安全性 教育 查看站点地图 搜索 搜索帮助 取...