非凡的 LCLS-II 项目已接近尾声,但最后的步骤既重要又复杂。低温工厂的负责人埃里克·福夫表示,“现在正在进行冷却。我们预计将在2022年秋末实现制造X射线的首个光的里程碑。”但是,任何一个价值数百万美元的物理项目,不仅有其下一次升级的计划,而且还有之后的升级计划。一些研究人员,包括本杰明·奥弗里-奥凯和...
Fermilab's 1.3 GHz prototype cryomodule for the Linac Coherent Light Source Upgrade (LCLS-II) has been tested at Fermilab's Cryomodule Test Facility (CMTF). Aspects of the cryomodule design have been studied and tested. The cooldown circuit was used to quickly cool the cavities through the ...
At the heart of the LCLS-II are two undulator lines: the hard x-ray (HXR) line and the soft x-ray line (SXR). The SXR line is comprised of 21 variable gap undulator segments separated by an interspace stands with a cam positioning system capable of positioning in 5 degrees of freedom...
The SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is building a new FEL user facility, LCLS-II, as a major upgrade to the Linear Coherent Light Source (LCLS). The upgrade will include two new Free Electron Lasers (FELs), to generate soft (SXR) and hard x-ray (HXR) SASE FEL radiation, based on...
LCLS-II is a proposed upgrade of the most powerful X-ray laser in the world built at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. When complete, multiple free electron laser (FEL) sections will be powered by a continuous wave superconducting radio frequency (SRF) electron linac. The vital parameters ...
LCLS-II MPS Link Node This is the LCLS-II MPS Link Node. Readme Unknown, Unknown licenses found Activity Custom properties 0stars 8watching 1fork Releases57 l2MpsLN-R4-6-1Latest Apr 17, 2024 + 56 releases Packages No packages published ...
这一规范要求增加调谐器 寿命是LCLS-II要求的20倍。加速寿命 带调谐器的LCLS-II He修饰腔的测试是在FNAL的HTS上进行的。 详细分析了调谐器压电体的磨损及其对性能的影响 将介绍步进电机执行器。此外,长寿的结果 冷却至2K并压缩后的修整腔波纹管试验 2.6 mm,大约2000个循环,将提供。
New auxiliary components have been designed and fabricated for the 1.3 GHz SRF cavities comprising the LCLS-II linac. In particular, the LCLS-II cavity's helium vessel, high-power input coupler, higher-order mode (HOM) feedthroughs, magnetic shielding, and cavity tuning system were all designed...
9月12日,美国LCLS-II X射线激光器经过升级后,成功产生了首束光束。该激光器在全速运行时,每秒能够发射高达100万个X射线脉冲,由此成为了全球最强的X射线激光器。这一重大突破意味着科学家们能够通过LCLS-II仪器捕捉到超快过程的高清影像,例如化学反应中电荷环绕原子的瞬间动态。此外,这种前沿研究还具有深入探索光合作...