A number of characteristics in the soft X-ray range are presented including linearity, calibrations conducted with a photodiode and a gas monitor detector as well as ultra-high-vacuum compatibility tests using residual gas analysis. The application of these power meters for LCLS-II and other X-...
This paper reports first commissioning results including gun bakeout and vacuum processing, CW RF-gun and buncher operation with nominal power, and measurements of rf stability and dark current.doi:10.18429/JACOW-IPAC2019-TUPTS106F. ZhouC. Adolphsen...
Several different pumping configurations using cold compressors and warm vacuum pumps have been used on the cryomodule 2.0 K return line and the associated results will be described.R WangB HansenM WhiteAdvances in Cryogenic Engineering: Proceedings of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference : CEC 2017 :...