This article analyses and designs an LCL filter for a three-phase three-level NPC inverter connected to the grid using SVPWM. The design is based on determining the value of the first inductor to limit the current ripple and, capacitor and second inductor value to attenuate the harmonic ...
[8] WANG T C Y,YE Z H,SINHA G,et al.Output filter design for a grid-interconnected three-phase inverter[C].34th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference,2003:779-784. [9] 张涛.单相LCL滤波器的并网逆变器控制的研究[D].秦皇岛:燕山大学,2010. [10] 李明,易灵芝,彭寒梅,等.光伏并...
Parameter Optimization Design of LCL Filter for Three-phase Grid-connected Inverter Dai Sha ,Dong Xiucheng ,Peng Ke ,Li Haoran ,Chen Gen (Key Laboratory of Power Electronics Energy Saving Technology and Equipment ,Xihua University ,Chengdu 610039,China )Abstract :In the case of the same ...
RT Box: Three-level Grid-connected NPC Solar Inverter with LCL-filter and Active Damping 1 概述(Overview) 该RT-Box演示模型的特点是采用空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)方案进行闭环控制的并网三电平中性点箝位(NPC)逆变器。此演示模型具有以下功能: 设备和控制器模型在单独的子系统中实现。这允许在PLECS中进行完...
DesignofLCLFilterforThree-phaseGrid-connectedInverter WEIXing,XIAOLan,YAOZhi-lei,GONGChun-ying (NanjngUnverstyofA ronautcsan Astronautcs,Nanjng2006,Chna) Abstract:LCLfilterismoreandmorewidelyusedingrid-connectedinverter.However,itmayresultininstability easilyduetoresonance,whichmakesitdifficultforstabilitycontro...
[3] Lin Fei,Zhang Xiaoming,Zhou Yan,et al.Design and research on parameter of LCL filter in three-phase grid-connected inverter[C].Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference.IEEE,2009:2174-2177. [4] JALILI K,BERNET S.Design of LCL filters of active-front-end two-level voltage-source...
A. MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF LCL FILTER The single-phase equivalent diagram of the LCL filter is shown in Fig. 5. inv u is the output voltage of the T-type three-level inverter, and 1 i is the current through arm side inductance ( 1 L ) and resistance 1 R . Current 2 i...
CAO Yilong,YU Xiaochan.Voltage Sensorless Three-phase Grid-Connected Inverter Technology Using LCL Filter[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2021,37(3):211-216. 摘要 传统三相并网逆变器增设过多的交流电压...
本文结合文献[2]、[3]、[4]采用一种简单易行的LCL滤波器设计方法。设定三相并网逆变器的功率为12 kVA,开关频率fSW=12 kHz,Udc=870 V,电网频率50 Hz,线电压380 V,相电压有效值220 V。 (1)总电感的选取[4] 倘若逆变系统含有能量存储部件,并网逆变器不仅仅要工作在逆变模式,还需要工作在PWM整流模式,实现四...