电磁兼容标准 实施指南.中国标准出版社,1999. [3] Chichiang Hua, Chinming Shen, and Gengshing Peng. Design of Input Filter to Suppress Conducted EMI of a Single Phase UPS Inverter, Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE IECON.vol1.3 pp.1699-1704. 79 ...
Kim, "Design and analysis of an LC trap/LCR output filter for a single-phase NPC three-level inverter," Int. J. Electron., vol. 95, pp. 1279-1292, 2008.Soo-Hong Kim,Yoon-Ho Kim.  Design and analysis of an LC trap/LCR output filter for a single-phase NPC three-level ...
内置式永磁同步电机(Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, IPMSM)通常是由电压源型逆变器(Voltage-Source Inverter, VSI)供电,功率开关器件快速开关动作引发较大的电压变化率du/dt,带来了一些不可忽视的负面效应,如电机绝缘应力增加[1]、引发轴电压和轴电流[2]、产生突出的电磁干扰[3]。在一些特殊工业应用场...
Fig.5 Variations of phase angle with normalized resonance frequency under different quality factors 3 仿真分析 通过PSPICE搭建了TMS仿真平台,分别对以LCCL RC为恒流源和以LCLC RC为恒流源的TMS系统进行了充放电仿真。其中,放电回路包含了储能电容Co与刺激线圈L。并且为了使仿真结果能够更加真实地反映电容放电的效果...
Finally, three phase inverter simulation is carried out to verify the correctness and effectiveness of the LCLCL type filter. Keywords: LCLCL filter; harmonic; parameter design 0 引言 随着对电能质量的提高和逆变器的发展,滤波器成为了目前的热点研究对象之一。对于滤波器的研究,不仅需要在成本、效率等...
18.Design and Study of LTCC Microwave Bandpass FilterLTCC微波带通滤波器的设计与研究 相关短句/例句 LC filterLC滤波器 1.LC filter based on PWM inverter;基于PWM逆变器的LC滤波器 2.The miniaturization make of the LC filters;LC滤波器的小型化制作与生产 3)LC passive filterLC滤波器 1.The LC passiv...
This article presents a filter design approach and the efficiency analysis of a single-phase Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) three-level inverter with a combined LC trap and LCR filter system. The multilevel inverter system using NPC type inverter is suitable for high-power application. The single-...
This work offers a simple and efficient model predictive voltage control strategy with a two-step prediction for improved output voltage control of single-phase inverter used for stand-alone renewable energy systems. The single-phase inverter with output LC filter is used to provide a sinusoidal out...