for your Arduino UNO Mega2560, this module is designed to deliver a superior visual experience. **Seamless Integration and Compatibility** This module is not just about the display; it's about seamless integration and compatibility. With a 16Bit parallel interface, it offers fast transfer speeds,...
实验一百二十七:2004A字符显示液晶模块LCD/LCM 蓝屏5V(带背光 IIC/I2C) 使用步骤: 1.先下载GY25_uart程序至arduino 2.再接上GY25模块 3.按复位按键 4.打开串口,波特率115200 5、接线 GY25 arduino uno VCC---VCC RX---TX TX---RX GND---GND --- IICLCD2004 arduino uno VCC---VCC SCL---...
Lcdd|Enhance your Arduino projects with this versatile LCD Module featuring a 16x2 resolution and a reliable IIC I2C interface, perfect for Arduino UNO R3 and Mega2560.
Currently, 19 common colors are defined in the library, and users can also customize 16-bit color codes. During the experiment, we set the coordinates to the coordinate center of the display, and the maximum absolute value of the positive and negative half axes is 64. ...
The kit's components are not only useful for Arduino motor projects but also for a variety of other applications, such as home automation, robotics, and IoT devices. The kit's educational value is unmatched, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to learn and grow in the field ...
#include <Arduino.h>#include"WB_LCD.h"voidSystemClock_Config(void) { RCC_OscInitTypeDef RCC_OscInitStruct={}; RCC_ClkInitTypeDef RCC_ClkInitStruct={}; RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInit={};/** Initializes the RCC Oscillators according to the specified parameters ...
#define LED RC6 // Pin assigned for LED #define CLK RC2 #define DISPDATA RC0 // QH PIN 9 ...
Arduino 1602 I2C interface 4-wire 1602 screen IO port of Arduino control board is only 20,so IO ports is not enough for many sensor, SD card, relay modules. The original 1602 screen need 7 IO ports to drive up, and this module can save 5 IO ports ...
lcdgfx driver is C++ library with unicode support. The library can be compiled for plain Linux (for example, raspberry spi), or you can use it with plain avr-gcc compiler without Arduino IDE. It supports monochrome and RGB oleds and has debug mode, allowing to execute code on Linux, Win...
However, a serial LCD eliminates the necessity for so many pins. Actually, it uses another microprocessor which drives the LCD. You command this microprocessor from your Arduino board over a stream and it handles the rest for you. Hardware Setup Serial LCD has three lines which are GND, Vcc...