2. The Key or Mouse Binding form is displayed. 3. In the Application Type Prefix cyclic field, choose Layout. 4. Click Show Bind Keys. A text window displays the layout editor bindkeys and commands. Loading Bindkeys To load a file of bindkey definitions every time you run Layout XL, ...
425703 11 GHz ODU 300 STD Power EDS-11-0530-011 Stratex 1 $13 787.50 $10 418.18 433851 EGH-06-XXX-XXN EGH06XXXXXN Stratex 1 $20 000.00 $15 112.50 452855 EGH-18-XXXX-XXN EGH18XXXXXXN Stratex 1 $20 000.00 $15 112.50 478861 EGH-23-XXXX-XXN EGH23XXXXXXN Stratex 1 $20 000.00 ...