Religious discriminationin the workplace and otherwise related to work is sometimes referred to asreligion discrimination. Both terms mean unlawful prejudice against employees solely because of their religious beliefs or practices, or their associations with religious individuals, groups or organizations. Rel...
Bobby Jindal: Religious Freedom Laws Necessary to Prevent Discrimination --- against Christian BusinessesCohen, Kelly
Article 01 第一条进行集体宗教活动要在由县级以上人民政府宗教事务部门认可的经依法登记的寺院、宫观、清真寺、教堂,或在由省级以上人民政府宗教事务部门指定的临时地点举行。 Collective religious activities shall be held in a lawfully registered monastery, te...
“lower” races. Those seen as the low-status races, especially in colonized areas, were exploited for their labour, and discrimination against them became a common pattern in many areas of the world. The expressions and feelings of racial superiority that accompaniedcolonialismgenerated resentment ...
Article 21 TFEU (non-discrimination and citisenship) need not be separately addressed in light of the BIa finding. Orders for payment against a debtor suspected of being domiciled elsewhere in EU yet also domiciled in Bulgaria according to the formal presumption, may of course (and only) be ...
ID cards are established for a variety of reasons. Race, politics and religion were often at the heart of older ID systems. The threat of insurgents, religious discrimination or political extremism have been all too common as motivation for the establishment of ID systems which would force enemie...
Personal laws, on the other hand, are specific to the religious communities they serve. India has different sets of personal laws for Hindus (which also apply to Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists), Muslims, Christians, and Parsis. It applies to all Indian citizens, including those residing abroad,...
Thus, collecting or using personal information for a personal purpose is not within the scope of the APPI. Also, collecting or using personal information for press, literary, religious or political purposes are exempted from obligations under the APPI (please see “Exceptions” in question 4.1)....
Other residual laws are less useful. Married Women’s Property Acts, for example, were enacted in the 19th century in all of the states as a way to give women greater access to property rights, contracts, and the right to sue—all to lessen discrimination against them. Courts today no lon...