because they control so much and want to “conserve” it. And yet leftists go around using whichever definition of the term is convenient to them at the time. Like they do for all language
Friday, September 24, 2021 – New Canadian Citizens Cast Their Federal Ballots for the First Time[1] CBC News (2021). These new Canadians cast their first federal ballots. Here’s what they thought. Retrieved September 22, 2021, from
Probably as a result of World War I and heightened national sentiments, a Nebraska law was put in place forbidding the teaching of any modern language other than English. The law was challenged and overruled, though, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Justice Reynolds, a teacher...
Ten Republican attorneys general filed a multi-state amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court on Nov. 9 in the challenge of Pennsylvania’s deadline extension for mail-in ballots.
So, if an association has 3 seats up for election and receives 100 ballots then very likely there will be approximately 300 votes in total cast in the election (3 votes per ballot). 2/3 of 300 is 200. So the Board member would need to secure 200 votes in their favor from 100 ...
Today we can see the equivalent of “A” cell hacking in a rather sleazy attempt by the Banana Republicans to steal a presidential election they lost. Cry-baby conservatives are seeking recounts where they lost, but not where they won. They are challenging individual ballots on the basis of...
The United Federation LEOS-PBA and our affiliated Union National Union of Special Police Officers NUSPO filed a petition on behalf of these Officers with a majority showing of interest for both locations. The NLRB has docketed the petition, and the ballots are now in the hands of these Hanna...
For Moran, who has spent a lifetime in the education profession, this definition of teaching represents a narrow and misleading way to conceive of what is really a multi-dimensional phenomenon. Teaching embraces many human endeavors. If institutional Church leaders reflected on it, they would reali...
The Muse comes in for only a fraction of the confere.nce'satten- tion, under the heading of new forms and breaklhroughs, language and theory, and the craft of nriting, "since writing is still the resource from which all these other things spin off," says Warland. With membership ...