Select a language: advocacy [ˈædvəkəsɪ]N 1.(=support) →apoyom(activo) 2.(Jur) →defensaf Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003...
Six of the world’s biggest Spanish-speaking celebrities star in a new ad to bring attention to laws that require voters in 16 states – including the important swing state of Pennsylvania -to insert their mail-in ballot into two separate envelopes in order to be counted.If the ballot is ...
La Habra Heights City Council to Consider Compromise to Settle Oil- Ballot Language IssueSprague, Mike
Citizens Not Politicians submitted its own version of proposed language for describing Issue 1 to voters at the ballot box, as is typical. The summary made no mention of gerrymandering. It was 220 words long, which, their attorney, Don McTigue, said was model...
Citizens Not Politicians sued, arguing that the board had passed what “may be the most biased, inaccurate, deceptive, and unconstitutional” ballot language in state history. What did the Ohio Supreme Court say? In anopinion earlier this month, the high cou...
Reports on Bexar County, Texas' postponement of the signing of a letter of intent and call for a November 1999 election to line up financing for an arena for the San Antonio Spurs basketball team. Ballot language for the proposed referendum approved by county commissioners; Proposals to back bo...
Also, regarding the sigil to use... Another option could be//. Yes it means "comment" in almost every programming language, but that's also true of#, and//at least is extremely rare in human-text so the odds of it needing to be escaped are very small. (This would only really work...
If we go that route, it shouldn't be managed by people on the ballot. Johan voting period for Jupyter Kernels representative has started, the vote is public, on the team compass Nomination phase for JDCs has started Mike any comments on Exposing kernel contents (file system) via comms jupyt...
The resolution is an attempt to revive a ballot initiative process in Mississippi, which has been without one since 2021 when the state Supreme Court ruled that the process was invalid because it required people to gather signatures from the state’s five previous U.S. House distri...
Rehder said it never went ahead to a public vote because Schaaf would only allow that if he got to choose the ballot language. Schaaf said physicians do prescribe "far too much narcotics." He has proposed an alternative through which the state's Bureau of Narcotics would have access to opio...