2008. The importance of law enforcement for protected areas: Don't step back! Be honest protect! GAIA 17: 101-103.F. Fischer, "The Importance of Law Enforcement for Protected Areas: Don't Step Back! Be Honest! Protect!" GAIA 17, no. S1 (2008): 101-103....
The People’s Republic of China shall engage in international cooperation in law enforcement and judicial fields with other countries and international organizations in accordance with treaties and agreements it concludes or accedes ...
BEIJING, March 15 (Xinhua) -- Law enforcement patrols by the mainland coast guard are rightful actions designed to protect the order in the waters around Kinmen, a mainland spokesperson said Friday. Since the fatal fishing boat incident in February, Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) au...
the Parties affirm that this Agreement should not be construed to alter, condition, or otherwise derogate from those agreements; noting however, that the obligations
Law enforcement radio technology and software that provides real-time information for better situational awareness and more informed decisions.
“police officers protect the public safety by investigating criminal activity while the military fights the battles against hostile enemies.” Posse Comitatus Act, Military, Law Enforcement 2003 Bernadette, Tansey,“U.S. requires scientists to give FBI fingerprints/ Thousands who use bioterror compou...
Lee said, as a part of the country, Hong Kong must play its part to safeguard the security of the SAR itself and it is even more important to prevent the SAR from being used as a springboard into other parts of China, which may affect national security. ...
3. Enforcement of Export Control Law by Customs Administration China’s Export Control Law (hereinafter referred to as the“ECL”) authorizes MOFCOM and the Customs Administration to enforce the law within their respective purviews. By the end of 2023, MOFCOM has yet to take any enforcement acti...
59, 65, Article 14(2)(a). Benefit corporation, also called B-corp, is defined as a corporation legally required to contribute to the public good and generate sustainable prosperity (Boyd, 2023, para. 66). Abbreviations AI: Artificial Intelligence CoE: Council of Europe ECHR: European ...
The reporting requirements that were otherwise required for most business owners effective January 1, 2024, have been challenged on the basis of being unconstitutional. This is a preliminary injunction that temporarily suspends the enforcement of the CTA, any applicable penalties, and the reporting ...