public life and public norms Two, the relevant laws and regulations in public life Three, reflects the people-oriented concept of law enforcement Four, standardize the polices law enforcement behavior, and ensure the effectiveness of police law enforcement Five, a number of new violations of public...
Husk is a composite of the many law enforcement officials who took part in the investigation, a fictional character with whom the filmmakers could paint a portrait that would dramatically contrast with the real-life Mathews. “We talked about damaging him and having him be under par,” ...
Does your case involve evidence obtained from a search warrant? Did law enforcement get this search warrant in good faith? Know your rights. Learn more here. More 1234›» Contact Us Fields marked with an*are required Name* Email*
In order to make crimes of human trafficking a part of training for law enforcement, an effective and efficient approach must be available. This paper outlines a training module that could be implemented in the state of Kentucky through a distance, or online, learning option as part of the ...
Which "Haves" Come Out Ahead and Why: Cultural Capital and Legal Mobilization in Frontline Law Enforcement. Law and Society Review 33(4): 993-1024.Kinsey, K. A., & Stalans, L. J. (1999). Which haves come out ahead and why? Cultural capital and legal mobilization in frontline law ...
We must elect only presidents of high character who will not use the “loaded weapon” this Court has provided. Because once presidents are in power, little can be done to constrain them. [1] Here’s Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern on February 6: The question is not ...
creative people will have suffered because they will have found no way to make their works accessible to the public. Ultimately, it is the public which pays the price of piracy." Is there any proven connection between the enforcement (or even the existence) of intellectual property rights - ...
Sustainable diverse cultural environment is absolutely critical and its attainment must go beyond the short-term interests of the entertainment industries and respond to the needs of the broader citizenry. While the achievement of this objective is undoubtedly a daunting task for any policymaker at any...
The FCC is also claiming for the first time to have authority to hear complaints and take appropriate enforcement action if it determines the interconnection activities of ISPs are not just and reasonable. This will enable the FCC to address conflicts over traffic between mass-market broadband provi...