Working under a “Jail Diversion” initiative, these Courts allow the integration of alcohol and drug treatment services with justice system case processing wherein the defense attorney and prosecutor work towards a speedy resolution of the case with an ultimate goal of addressing the defendant’s su...
May 2018: The environmental damage around the site of two Royal Dutch Shell oil spills in Nigeria a decade ago hasworsened significantlyafter years of delay to cleanup efforts, according to areport that the oil giant has been accused of trying to shield from public view.The spills from aruptu...
Thus, the ability of Chinese immigrants to rise from poverty to economic domination in Malaya, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, or the Philippines had nothing to do with political power or majority status, neither of which they had in those places. The majority populations were poorer because, ...
The northeast of Thailand is well-known as a popular destination where many male Westerners marry Thai women and settle down there. However, little is known about their health and well-being. This study aims to explore the Western husbands’ health status and identify barriers hindering their hea...