(Placename) (formerly) the largest of the Bantu homelands in South Africa; declared an independent state in 1976 but this was not recognized outside South Africa; abolished in 1993. Capital: Umtata Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publish...
promote the normalization of the situation in Europe, to settle disputes exclusively through peaceful means, and to refrain from the threat of force or the use of force; the parties also declared that they have no territorial claims against anyone and would not pose such claims in the future....
In Germany folk tradition teaches that people who encounter a pig or a chimney sweep on New Year's Eve or Day will have luck in the year to come. In the Philippines, round objects - from the polka dots on clothing to round-shaped foods - bring luck on New Year's Eve. In Greece, ...