【3】As the world goes greener it will also become morepopulous. By 2050 it may have nearly 10bn mouths to feed, up from 8bn now. That will fueldemandfor the carbs,proteinsanddelicaciesthat Latin Americaproducesaplenty. It already supplies more than 30% of the world’scorn, beef, poultry...
This is one party to which I’ve come fashionably late. But maybe “fashionably” isn’t the best word. Not to complain or anything, but the music is loud, the room is crowded, and I might require a taxi to hasten me home. Still, having taken the time to dress up and show up f...
When I became a junior, I decided to take Latin at school. I was so__about taking that class, and I was fully expecting to be able to__every word I’d ever come across once I learned Latin. But Latin class was so__. Each day, the teacher Mr. Keady would ask us to open our...
Whiskers are also known as vibrissa, from the latin vibrare "to vibrate". Vibrissa are the specialized hairs on mammals and the bristlelike feathers near the mouths of many birds. Their resonant design is symbolic of the energies, good and bad, that ar
Gothic Latin speakers did not recapitulate this historical development every time they opened their mouths, but 155 this general procedure stands a reasonably good chance of leading to a French form which may or may not survive in historical documents that Gothic Latin speakers would have ...