Pecunia non olet- Money has no smell. Money doesn't stink. (don't look a gift horse in the mouth) (Vespasianus) Pecuniate obediunt omnia- All things obey money Radix omnium malorum est cupiditas- The love of money is the root of all evil. Avarice is the problem, money itself is n...
Latin is still taught to millions of students around the world, and will continue to be for a very long time to come. Fundamentally this is because: Latin is the (or a) main and most recent root language for many major world languages. Also, for centuries, in fact for two millennia, ...
Risu inepto res ineptior nulla est - There is nothing more foolish than a foolish laugh. (Catullus) Risus abundat in ore stultorum - Abundant laughs in the mouth of the foolish - too much hilarity means foolishness Roma locuta est. Causa finita est - Rome has spoken. The cause is fi...
Radix omnium malorum est cupiditas - The love of money is the root of all evil. Avarice is the problem, money itself is not evil Raptus regaliter - Royally screwed Rara avis - A rare bird, i.e. An extraodinary or unusual thing. (Juvenal) Ratio decidendi - The reason for the decisio...
Risus abundat in ore stultorum - Abundant laughs in the mouth of the foolish - too much hilarity means foolishness Roma locuta est. Causa finita est - Rome has spoken. The cause is finished Romani ite domum - Romans go home!
Risus abundat in ore stultorum - Abundant laughs in the mouth of the foolish - too much hilarity means foolishness Roma locuta est. Causa finita est - Rome has spoken. The cause is finished Romani ite domum - Romans go home!
Ore tenus -- Merely from the mouth; oral.Otium cum dignitate -- Leisure with dignity.Oui et Non sont bien courts à dire, mais avant que de les dire, il y faut penser long-temps -- "Yes" and "no" are very short words to say, but we should think for some length of time ...
Risus abundat in ore stultorum - Abundant laughs in the mouth of the foolish - too much hilarity means foolishness Roma locuta est. Causa finita est - Rome has spoken. The cause is finished Romani ite domum - Romans go home!
Risus abundat in ore stultorum - Abundant laughs in the mouth of the foolish - too much hilarity means foolishness Roma locuta est. Causa finita est - Rome has spoken. The cause is finished Romani ite domum - Romans go home!
Risus abundat in ore stultorum - Abundant laughs in the mouth of the foolish - too much hilarity means foolishness Roma locuta est. Causa finita est - Rome has spoken. The cause is finished Romani ite domum - Romans go home!