拉丁超立方体抽样Latin hypercube sampling (LHS)附 °拉丁超立方体抽样Latinhypercubesampling(LHS... 拉丁超立方体抽样Latinhypercubesampling(LHS)附:Matlab程序 近日,突然要在matlab上使用LHS,在网上搜索内容后,发现材料比较类似,于是依照下面内容写了个matlab程序。 拉丁超立方体抽样是抽样技术的最新...
拉丁超立方体抽样Latin hypercube sampling说明[转] LifeBug:03.随机变量和3F(PDF、CDF、PMF)
探索未知的科学殿堂,拉丁超立方采样(Latin Hypercube Sampling, LHS)与蒙特卡洛模拟如同夜空中的璀璨星辰,照亮了处理不确定性问题的迷雾。蒙特卡洛,这个名字本身就蕴含着一种随机的魔力,它通过海量的模拟实验,为我们揭示概率世界的奥秘,哪怕是看似简单的抛硬币游戏,也能借此估算出五次投掷中出现一次正...
Conditioned Latin Hypercube Sampling: Optimal Sample Size for Digital Soil Mapping of Arid Rangelands in Utah, USA, Digital Soil Mapping. Springer, pp. 67-75.Brungard, C.W. and J.L. Boettinger. 2010. Conditioned Latin Hypercube Sampling: Optimal Sample Size for Digital Soil Mapping of Arid ...
In addition, to ensure the same experimental environment for all experiments, the experiments were conducted on Windows Server Windows 11. The processors were coded using an Intel i5-12500H with a 12-core processor (2.50 GHz) and 16 GB of RAM, using Matlab2021b. ...
4.5.2Latin hypercube sampling Latinhypercubesampling is a type ofstratified samplingthat divides each of theddimensions of the subspaceDkintoNnon-overlapping subsets{Dk,j}j∈{1,…,N}with the common stratum probability1/Nand thus reduces the variability of the estimates by covering the relevant samp...
To tackle these issues, we introduce a Latin hypercube sampling initialization-based multi-strategy enhanced WOA (CAGWOA). It incorporates a COS sampling initialization strategy (COSI), an adaptive global search approach (GS), and an all-dimensional neighborhood mechanism (ADN). COSI leverages ...
This is repository of software and some data for the experimental wildland burn design For Matlab software to compute the typical day, see aimefournier/matlab/ For repeated Latin Hypercube sampling, see janmandel/design/ The convergence in eq. (1) can be observed by running effect_test.m Refer...
Meanwhile, to improve the efficiency of numerical analysis, MATLAB is employed in the secondary development for ABAQUS. With the help of finite element numerical simulation and Latin hypercube sampling method, the uncertainty of mechanical properties at tip of EAC in one-inch compact tension specimen...
Latin hypercube samplingEnvironmentally assisted cracking (EAC) of nickel-based alloys is one of the most significant potential safety hazards in the primary circuit of nuclear power plants. Considering the uncertainties of load and material properties of base metal and the oxide film, Latin hypercube...