拉丁超立方体抽样Latin hypercube sampling说明[转] LifeBug:03.随机变量和3F(PDF、CDF、PMF)
拉丁超立方采样(Latin Hypercube Sampling, LHS)是一种统计采样技术,用于生成一组样本点,这些样本点在参数空间中均匀分布,并且满足每个维度只有一个样本点落在该维度的取值范围内。LHS常用于参数优化和模型验证等领域。在Python中,有几种常用的包可以进行拉丁超立方采样,下面介绍两种常用的方法。1. 使用pyDOE2包pyDOE2...
Latin Hypercube Sampling.. 拉丁超立方体抽样 --- (1979))在 “Technometrics” 提出了“拉丁超立方体抽样” (Latin Hypercube Sampling) (简称LHS) 的方法,并立即得到广泛的应用,一批学者对其理论和方法作了系统地研究和发展,形成了一个独立的分枝。
Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) results for four regions: Guangzhou, Rio, Delhi and New York.Harriet L. MillsSteven Riley
Latin hypercube sampling is a stratified sampling technique that produces random numbers in terms of the marginal CDF of a random input variable. From:Electric Power Systems Research,2023 About this page Set alert Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topi...
rr-packagelhslatin-hypercubeorthogonal-arrayslatin-hypercube-samplinglatin-hypercube-sample UpdatedJun 30, 2024 C++ tstran155/Optimization-of-building-energy-consumption Star23 This repo demonstrates how to build a surrogate (proxy) model by multivariate regressing building energy consumption data (univariate...
拉丁超立方体抽样Latin hypercube sampling (LHS)附 °拉丁超立方体抽样Latinhypercubesampling(LHS... 拉丁超立方体抽样Latinhypercubesampling(LHS)附:Matlab程序 近日,突然要在matlab上使用LHS,在网上搜索内容后,发现材料比较类似,于是依照下面内容写了个matlab程序。 拉丁超立方体抽样是抽样技术的最新...
Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) uses a stratified sampling scheme to improve on the coverage of the k-dimensional input space for such computer models. This means that a single sample will provide useful information when some input variable(s) dominate certain responses (or certain time intervals)...
糑H*2]In this paper a small-size sampling scheme——Latin Hypercube Sampling is introduced and its application to structural reliability analysis,among other seismic reliability analysis of nonlinear structures is described through examples. 关键词: Stochastic sampling Reliability Earthquake 被引量: 16...